Too! Virtual make over


Well-known member
Hey, first up I hope its ok to post make up help here.

Ok so Im skin tone NC15 and Im sick of looking so pale and washed out. I know its possible to be pale and look nice and glowing, like a doll so I need some real experts here to give me some advise.

How do I make myself look doll-like instead of just washed out? Any tips with blush, bronzers, eye make up (particularly day wear) and lippy?

At the moment Im bleaching my hair platinum blonde so its in a phase of being blonde/dark and I have greyish eyes with amber around the pupil, just in case you need some detail so you know what your working with.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated


Well-known member
There's a few threads dedicated just for us porcelain beauties, might want to check them out

If you want to look glowing use some kind of highlighter. I'm NC15 too and my favourite highlighters are Vanilla and Yourladyship pigment and Lightscapade MSF. Also I like natural looking blushes that give you that nice and healthy glow like Nuance, Warm Soul and Trace Gold, but if you're after a doll like finish you might want to check cooler pink blushes like Pink Swoon etc. Allthough I do like the porcelain doll look too I really don't think, it's glowing, for me glowing is more natural glamour

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
I'm around an NC15 at my tannest, and for reference I have black hair and dark brown eyes. Bronzers have never worked for me... every single one I've used has turned orange on me. I've found the right shades of blushes make all the difference in the world.

I tend to like brighter colors used with a light hand. My favorites right now are Dollymix, a pretty cool pink, and Foolish Me, a peach color. They look scary bright in the pan, but with a 187 brush they go on so pretty. If I try to use a lighter blush, like Blooming, I look sick because there's no color in my face.

I've also taken to using Strobe Liquid as a highlight on my cheeks. I put it on under my foundation and it comes through with just enough of a sparkle for everyday use. I've heard you can mix it with your foundation or moisturizer for a porcelain skin look, but I've never done it. If I want something a little more noticable, I'll use Vanilla or Your Ladyship pigment.

Lipstick wise, I always go with neutrals. I'm a huge fan of Viva Glam V l/s and l/g, or Myth, or Hue.


Well-known member
I personally find that cute lipsticks like bombshell or myth mixed with chatterbox (and a l/g on top) brightens my face. I'm slighly lighter than NW15. I have extremely rosey cheeks so I never wear anything on them.. but my key is lipstick.