too short for the boy!


Active member
ahh...i just need other people's opinion on this..

i'm damn short...i hate it,..but obviously its not my choice and i cant do a thing about it, i'm like 150cm

i get reminded of it everyday of my life...from everyone, even my friends, (although they always joke and tease about it in a good natured still hurts)

and my soon-to-be-bf...and long time best like 180cm!....
i always feel..i dont match up to him...and he hesistated and even said so himself, that he (and his parents) thinks he should be with someone of "a similar height"...yet we can't ignore the feelings between us...and all my other friends think height is too superficial a reason anyways...but...i think he still minds...

what do you girls think? i can't help my height, and i get frustrated and hurts to be talked about height a reason to stop dating a guy?


Well-known member
sweetie, height should never be a problem in a relationship -thats the worse excuse to ever break up with someone over! Good points about tall guys is that they give good hugs cos they can't pick you up and sweep you off your feet- you know, like in movies
. I think that you shouldn't get upset over this. If his parents think that it's silly for him to date someone so short than you should confront them about it- they shouldn't mark you out to be the bad guy or anything.... i'm pretty short myself so i feel your pain. i always get reminded of my shortness, but it's really not our problem. Please don't stop dating him because of this- ask him if he has a problem with it, if not then your all sweet, if so then ask him what his motives for the relationship really is - if he's basing it around looks and apperance than you know he's definitely one to consider dumping.... Chin up honey


Well-known member
I'm 5'2", and my husband is about 6'4". Height was never an issue for us. I think that if you're with the right person for you, something like that won't be a problem.

Your friends are right; Height is a superficial reason. However, if it's part of his criteria for a girlfriend, there's not a whole lot you can do to change his mind. You may like him, and he may like you back, but it sounds like he's already expressed his doubts before the relationship's even started.

In my opinion, you should think carefully before you start anything with him. If height's an issue for him now, it will probably always be an issue.

Whatever you decide, I hope it works out for you.


Active member
ouu thanks girls..

i've known him for nine years..since we were in primary school..waited til we finsihed high school to start dating..hehe

wow...6'4"...thats tall...>.<

its strange cos i dont know what his parents think...they have seen me...i've met his mum and all seems fine...but it seems they "secretly" don't approve? ah..don't know if that makes sense!

he has sorta said that its a concern for him...but he questions whether its an idea that his parents made him believe..and maybe..being wtih me i can change his idea about height sorta we decided to give it a go anyways

no relationship is perfect right from the start after all..right?

thanks heaps ..i feel least for now!! :smile:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
I'm 5'2", and my husband is about 6'4".

Us too! Im 5'2" and 85lbs, hes 6'4" and 200, hes all muscles and im all tiny, and we get looked at funny alot! But its cool, like u said, he can sweep me off my feet easy! Yeah, height is the one thing i never would even concider being a problem when dating . . .


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm 5'2" and dated a guy who was 6'4" when we were dating, and he's now 6'8" (AHHH giant man!). Come to think of it, I've dated probably 4-5 guys in the 6'2" and up range. I dunno, I just have a thing for the tall ones. My boy now (and for the last 3 years) is 5'8" and he looks so "short" to me but I love him so!

I don't want to be the one to have a double standard, but I would have a hard time dating a SHORTER guy. Maybe because I'm so short to begin with, but it would just seem odd to be taller than my man.


Active member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan

I don't want to be the one to have a double standard, but I would have a hard time dating a SHORTER guy. Maybe because I'm so short to begin with, but it would just seem odd to be taller than my man.

thats what my friend said...she and i are misfits together..she's tall..and i was saying to her that i wish i was taller..and she's like "NO WAY"..and says...its weird being taller than so many guys, she reckons short is sometimes lucky, cos you can date almost any guy!


Well-known member
I did have a problem with one super-tall guy, but was with an over 6-foot guy for over 2 years, and I'm the same height as you! It can work, it just depends on how mature people are about it. I don't know, but I've seen heaps of really little ladies with very tall men!

I hope the guy you know isn't the one that treated me like crap for being short...Melbourne is a (too) small city sometimes...! Sigh.


New member
Being short myself I know how it feels. My husband is only 1 inch taller than me and he still gets teased! Even by my own father! I have had to put a stop to that because while it does not bother my hubby I think it is just rude!
My husband is a manager of a huge warehouse and has even had employee's say something!
In my opinion I feel that TOO many people care about height! Don't they realize that it's just how you came into this world? Are they really that dumb to think you had a choice? Do think they are better because they are taller? Who knows what "they" think and who cares!
I like being short and so does my hubby!
I say enjoy it and don't care what other people think!!!


Well-known member
Height shouldn't ever matter!

My husband is 6'5" and I'm 5'3" - he's a full 14 inches taller than I am and it's never been an issue in the five+ years that we've been together.

If that's his reason for *not* wanting to date you, move along and find someone who does. It just seems like an immature and superficial reason, even more so if it's coming from his parents.

Good luck!


Active member
thanks...well i'm dating him now...and i guess i 'charmed' him...lmao..he's seeing past it...for now anyways!

and wow..i walk around outside..i see the odd couple who have that height difference, but i never knew it was so common...*hugs to all*...

oh and yes, height is outta our control isn't it? hehe, i always say its just how it is, and i'm not who i am if i was taller! ^^ still its saddening sometimes, but what the heck! i always get to be the little baby!

mspixieears: aww..thats so sad..but *hugz* that guy's a d***head then! hmph!


Well-known member
Ah yes, being short. Iam 4'10! I dated a guy who was 6' that was hard but kinda cute. Lol I love tall guys, and after a while I just get use to being short and other people being so much taller than me.

But if height is really an issue for this soon to be bf, i don't think he's the type of guy you should go out with, honestly. If him and his parents are too consumed with appearances then that's not the best thing to get into.


Well-known member
I totally agree with everyone, height has nothing to do with how you guys feel about each other. Who cares what everyone else feels? As long as you two are happy don't worry about it. I'm 5'2" and my fiance is 6'2" and we've been together for almost 6 yrs now, height was never a problem in our relationship.


Well-known member
Height shouldn't effect the relationship. As long as you guys like eachother then it shouldn't matter.

All of the guys in my grade are around 5'5... and i'm definatly 5'9... It's akward, but I got used to it