Top 10 Summer MAC Products for Blondes

I used to keep up with every MAC collection, but I've been out of the loop lately.

Can you list your favorite LE products for the summer for fair skinned blondes who are a little tan?


Well-known member
I have Elaborate Lipglass from Moonbathe LE and Glimmershimmer Ritzy LE (other stuff are regular products, not LE) and it looks awesome on a blonde. Hope it helps a little bit!


Well-known member
I love moonbathe cranberry eyeshadow! I also think foxy lady eyeliner looks great on blondes. Golden bronzer is perfect as well for giving the face a bit of colour!


Well-known member
Hard time sticking with L/E items, but here's a few:

sundressing body bronzer in medium dark
otherworldly blush
molten sol liquidlast
moonbathe cosmic e/s

anything golden/bronzy looking really... I love having a bronzed/blonde hair thing going on in the summer, you know?