Top 3 UD eyeshadows you can't live without?


For me it would probably be Vapour (pretty much always my choice of highlight), Roach and Mildew...god I love those colours

altogether I only have 9 :/ *zombie voice* Must...collect...mooore


Well-known member
This is hard. I'm going to have to say that my top 3 UD shadows are Secret Service, Honey and Roach (in no particular order). I love so many, though, LOL!


Well-known member
Yeah, this is tough! I'm going to say Sin is #1, then Toasted and S&M. But I could name a lot more that I love...


Well-known member
Sin, Smog, and Grifter. I don't know how Grifter manages to show up so well on me, but it's the only pale lavender I've found that doesn't need five million applications just to look like it's supposed to.


Originally Posted by mysteryflavored
Sin, Smog, and Grifter. I don't know how Grifter manages to show up so well on me, but it's the only pale lavender I've found that doesn't need five million applications just to look like it's supposed to.

Grifter never shows up the way i want it to on me
I sit there for ages layering to get just a hint of purple lol anyone else have this problem?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Carmenitaaa
Grifter never shows up the way i want it to on me
I sit there for ages layering to get just a hint of purple lol anyone else have this problem?

i have that problem too
it just shows up as glittery dusty very light lilac!


Well-known member
I'm probably the only one here who doesn't care too much for UD shadows. The only ones that I've tried are the regular shadows. Haven't tried the deluxe or mattes yet and I'm not really planning on it. Most of their shadows have too much chunky glitter in it (not a fan). But the ones that I do actually like are: Smog and Sin. Sorry I only have 2. Maybe YDK. Maybe. But those are my top two.