TRAP the baby!!!


Well-known member

we decided that it was a great place for her.

Four shirts make me look like a snowman.


Well-known member
oh jeez, i can see this getting out on the net and some crazy person thinking its actually for real. and then a nationwide womanhunt is on.
Funny picture though, i agree its a great spot for them to be haha.


Well-known member
her little pants are so cute. They make the cutest clothes for baby girls, I can't wait until I have a neice.


Well-known member
Awww look at her, she's terrified lol. We do stuff like that to my daughter's funny to see their reactions lol. Shhh...


Well-known member
lol just for clarification, she crawled into the kennel, and spent quite some time happily clapping and babbling in there prior to having her picture taken.

Child torture isn't one of my hobbies, contrary towhat my 13 year old might say.


Well-known member
ahahahahaha!!! that's hilarious! it's one of those pictures that she'll look at when she's older and be like, "um, why did you put me in there?" hehe!! We used to put my neighbor in the dog kennel because he asked us to, and then when we locked it he would scream for his mom and get us all in trouble haha!


Well-known member
it's been an interesting week in Texas. Be sure to watch the weather prior to your drive, though a friend of mine just drove from CA and didn't hit anything bad until....west Texas.