Traveling with Makeup

Hay Mich

Well-known member
I'm not sure if this thread belongs here but I didn't know where else to put it. I was wondering if there are any tips to packing up makeup for a trip. I don't want it to break or anything! How do you guys pack your makeup when going on vacation? Any help would be much appreciated!


Well-known member
I really try to limit what I need to bare necessities. I try to take powder stuff that is breakable (like powdered e/s) in a palette so it doesn't break. I buy traveling containers for liquids, etc. so I am taking under 3 oz of those things. If I take something like an MSF, I bubble wrap it and take it inside a make up bag just to be safe. Bubble wrap then wrap with tissue or tissue paper. So far, no problems...


Active member
I really only bring what i need. I also pack palettes but i fold a couple pieces of toilet paper and lay them over the makeup before i close the lid... it makes a sort of barrier so that there is less movement in the case between the lid and the makeup.


Well-known member
First up, take only what you need. If something is LE/discontinued/really precious, consider how badly you really want to take it - what would you do if something did happen to it? Also try to plan some looks before you go - take colours and products that will all harmonise well together so you can maximise the looks with minimal products.

Secondly, pack smart. Use plastic travel bottles and containers. Try not to take full size anything (apart from pressed eyeshadows, powder and blush).

Now for the actual packing:
Anything that may leak - put it in a ziplock bag. Wrap the bag around the container for a little extra padding.

If using palettes for e/s and blush, lay some foam, soft fabric or (as above) toilet paper in between the top of the product and the palette to help cushion the product.

If using singles, use a cotton ball, toilet paper or fabric as described above to cushion the top of the pot.

Wrap an elastic band around the palette or each single if you're worried about the lid popping open.

Pack it all into a makeup bag that fits it all snugly so it doesn't rattle around. Stuff the spaces with tissue paper if you have to! If you're packing it into a suitcase, choose a soft (not hardcase) bag - it'll mould to the space you have.

If you're packing the makeup bag into your suitcase, put it in between clothes for padding.

Personally, I love to use a travel palette (mine is a MAC 15-pan palette with the insert removed for a flat surface) and I pack as much as I can in it. Eyeshadow, cake eyeliner, blush, powder. I also have a separate set of travel brushes - some MAC SE and a heap of cheapies - so that if something happens to them they are cheaper to replace.

Anything that I am really worried about I take as carry on.


i NEVER pack my makeup in my checked luggage. i keep my normal makeup bag in my purse, then a bigger one in my carry-on bag (usually a bigger purse, haha.) i actually usually never bring regular e/s, just pigments, which i put in a baggie. i've never had any trouble going through security. i actually brought my mac traincase to vegas several times as my carry on, it fits perfectly under the seat
i just made sure i had a lot of room for souvenirs from the pro store there! stuff like fix+, tinted moisturizer, etc, i pack with my toiletries in my checked luggage, that way if you get a douchey security dude you don't have to throw away like, your foundation because it's over 3 oz or whatever. (which would also end up with me being arrested for assault, haha.) good luck!

Hay Mich

Well-known member
Thank you all for being so helpful! I don't actually have a palette to bring but singles instead so I'll try and pack them well. Unfortunately, I don't have an extra set of brushes so I'll just have to hope for the best.


Well-known member
You shouldn't have any issues
Most of my travel brushes are as old or older than my full size ones and they're still going strong. I keep them in my gym kit bag normally, so they get carted around quite a lot.


Well-known member
i always bring 1 15 palette with a good range of neutrals, then like one shadow from each color family. i bring like 1 good versatile blush, one foundation, one powder, mascara, one black liner, and like 2 lipglosses. itll all fit in my little makeup travel pouch, and if you want to be safe, cut a piece of bubble wrap the size of your palette (if u bring a palette) and put it over the eyeshadows before u close the lid

since you're bringing single eyeshadows youll be totally fine. i also bring my makeup in my purse (the makeup pouch fits in my purse) because i'm paranoid about my bag getting lost or someone going through it.


Well-known member
I usually bring a palette of eye shadows (last time I took the Urban Decay Ammo palette) and black and brown eyeliners. Then I'll bring one mascara, my Bare Minerals foundation and blush/bronzer, and one lipstick and one lip gloss. I try to pick shades that work well for day or night, just so I don't have to lug around unnecessary items