Trying to get this coppery red hair color


New member

I have been trying to get this hair color and have yet to nail it. I just recently bought wella color charm in 6R Red terrcotta t sally's but I know its not quite right. Any ideas for color combos that might help me to get that copper tone?


New member
A grown out slightly lighter more blondish version of this. I can never seen to find that happy place between darker red and orange ish blonde. I want more coppery natural red. My grow out and natural color is a mousey dish water brown


Staff member
I don't know about colour combos, but the advice I always give when you don't know what you're doing in regards to colour is to leave it to the pros. Take your photo in, get a colour consultation from a specialist. You can always ask what you can do to maintain/touch it up on your own. (If you can't afford a colour job at a salon, try a beauty school. It's often cheaper, and you'd be helping students get hands-on experience.)