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tutorial for my shimmermint look!


Well-known member


1. Gather everything you plan on using. Above I have:
- MAC Juxt e/s
- MAC Swimming e/s
- MAC Green Smoke e/s
- MAC Oceanique e/s
- MAC Bare Canvas paint
- MAC Moisturefeed/Eye
- MAC Shimmermint shadestick
- MAC Blacktrack fluidline
- MAC Select Moisturecover NW15
- Max Factor Lash Lift mascara
- Shu Uemura eyelash curler
- MAC brushes in 219, 224, 239, 266, 217, 213


2. I apply the Moisturefeed/Eye to my undereye are and lid.
My eyes are very dry so I have to do this or else the makeup will just flake off.
Obviously, this step is optional!



3. Take your Moisturecover and apply 4 dots as seen above.
Blend in carefully with your ring finger, applying light pressure.




4. Put a tiny bit of Bare Canvas on your ring finger.
Apply this as if you were applying the Moisturefeed.
Be very gentle and just blend it in.
It's your base so it doesn't need to be perfect!


5. Apply the Shimmermint shadestick to your lid.
Again, this doesn't need to be perfect, we'll fix that in the next step!



6. Taking your 217 brush, blend the edges of the shadestick into your crease.
Fix any uneven spots and do it again.

7. Take your 239 brush and put some Juxt on it.
Apply it all over your lid, blending into your crease.





8. Load up your 224 brush with Swimming.
Put it in the outer corner of your crease and move it back and forth in a windsheild wiper motion.
Make sure it's blended well with Juxt.
I hate being able to see where one color starts and the other begins!



9. Now, take your 219 pencil brush, and put some Green Smoke on it.
I use this brush when I want a really defined crease.
Do the same motion you did with the 224 and Swimming, and make sure you blend it well!


10. Probably the easiest part, put some Oceanique on your 213 brush and apply it to the browbone.
Make sure it blends in with the rest of your shadow!



11. Time for liner! Take your 266 brush and put some Swimming on it.
Then put it at the base of your lower lashes and drag it a tiny bit then move over.
Keep doing this for your whole lower lid.


12. Put a tiny but of Juxt on your 266 brush as well, and apply it only to the inner corner.
Blend it in with the Swimming.



13. Okay, take your 266 brush (AGAIN!) and dip it into Blacktrack.
I like to just rest the brush on my waterline and move it back and forth.
This takes practice and it may be uncomfortable at first but you'll get it!
As you can see I have sensitive eyes but thankfully this stuff stays put, despite the waterworks!



14. Everyone knows how to do this!
Curl your eyelashes and then apply mascara.
I like to do 2/3 coats on the top lashes, and 2 on the bottom.



15. And we're done! As you can see I only did one eye, and one eyebrow.
It just goes to show how amazing makeup can be

Feel free to comment with any questions and I'll try my best to help you out!


Well-known member
Cool, thanks so much for posting everything in such detail! I really loved that eye look. Great pics!


Well-known member
I'm speechless alexa, you just make things look so easy LOL... those green shades look very beautiful with your eyes, and thanks for the tutorial
it will be so useful for me.
btw, does your mascara last on your lower lashes? I've never been able to use neither eyeliner nor mascara on lower lashes and waterline because the run and give me dark circles in less than 5 minutes
I'm tempted to try that lashlift thingy


that's really great, thanks for posting this

Lashlift looks really good, i must try it now :)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ishtarchick
I'm speechless alexa, you just make things look so easy LOL... those green shades look very beautiful with your eyes, and thanks for the tutorial
it will be so useful for me.
btw, does your mascara last on your lower lashes? I've never been able to use neither eyeliner nor mascara on lower lashes and waterline because the run and give me dark circles in less than 5 minutes
I'm tempted to try that lashlift thingy

aww thank you <33 yep it lasts on mine, i have a problem with my upper lashes! they always rub on my browbone since my eyes are so deep set and i get mascara smears up there
. i find putting a bit of waterproof mascara over the ends helps. maybe try that with the lower lashes?


Well-known member
i can't believe how incredibly helpful you are. that is so awesome. it must of taken quite awhile to do all that. you are so wonderful! i am totally going to try all those steps and get back to you! thanks again sweetie!


Well-known member
OMG you're the best!!! I totyally love the colors, and I'm going to call MAC RIGHT NOW, to put oceanique apart!


Well-known member
aww Alexa...you are amazing...Thank you for posting this..Its so sweet of you to do a step by step for those of us that arent as talented as you!!


New member
You are da bomb!

Thank you so much for this tutorial. It's the best one i've ever seen. Congrats!!!! It looks absolufrigginlutely fabulous and you have THE MOST GORGEOUSLY AMAZING EYES EVER. SERIOUSLY. you rock babe! *mwa*


Well-known member
Wow, what a great instructor you are! I appreciate your posting this, as I am application challenged with certain colors. Please post more tutorials in the future if you can
