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Tutorial of sorts... Dove commercial


Well-known member
I thought this was not only a powerful commercial, but also a great way to see professional makeup application from start to finish! A bit fast, but I still think it's pretty awesome.


PS- I understand if the mods what to move this thread, I just didn't really know where else to put it!


Well-known member


I already saw this advertise...its amazing what modern technics can do, and some women are still seriously frustrated when they see models....


Well-known member
that's amazing.

i wouldn't call it a tutorial but it definitely gives the viewer some perspective...
I love that! Thanks for posting it. Really puts into perspective that those gorgeous models and movie stars are just regular people. ANYBODY can look that good if they have 2394875234 makeup, hair, and most importantly, computer wizards who can touch up their pictures. Didn't even look like the same girl at the end.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this...really an eye opener with how much photoshopping magazines /adverts can do! I can't believe they did the neck stretching part either! Nor the eyestretching, that's crazy!


The link no longer works for that particular post, but there are tons more listed on youtube

Just thought I'd pass that along. When it said it was removed, I was like sdkjfkdjh lol.


Well-known member
I love this ad. I think many women truly don't realize how different models look in real life compared to in ads/magazines/TV!