TV makeup


Well-known member
Hi guys!

I may be doing makeup for a TV crew coming up.....and right now all the anchors do their own hair and makeup

So I have been asked to come in with the hair guy and do their makeup...

Now I am just graduating with esthetics license and will be working for MAC starting in November.....this won't be a long-term thing obviously..but its a trial thing I guess (I will get more details on it tomorrow!)

anyway, what makeup is GREAT for TV/Camera lights and such? I dont even HAVE a makeup kit put together yet to do makeup (I am planning on starting that after I get back to work....and before next year when I have a wedding scheduled!)

So, I will need suggestions for stuff I could get QUICKLY and at a reasonable price if need be...

would MAC's Face & Body work? I was planning on getting that in my kit for photography...but photos aren't cameras!



Well-known member
hmm, don't use foundation with an spf in it. It reflects the light and makes people look whiter than normal. I love Studio Tech foundation, but i also here the face and body is good.


Well-known member
And you should take 1-2 foundation shades darker than for normal lighting since the studio light is so bright that it washes out the colors easily!
Keep that in mind!


Well-known member
a photographer i used to work with always asked that i apply falshe lashes. her reasoning was that cameras, whether they be still or video, won't pick up natural lashes so to make the women look as feminine as possible, they needed false lashes.

so, keep that in mind as well :]

also that mostly, a natural look is prefered for television personalities like news anchours and such...


Well-known member
ok thanks guys!

yeah, i knew about the SPF thing since of photography stuff, i assumed it'd be the same for television...

its odd this station has NO makeup person at all....

but it'd be great to do this! it's actually going to be a week long "internship" thing...i think they want to see what will work etc!

i had thought about false lashes, because yeah, I was like "what mascara will really help show their eyes?" and honestly, it won't without some sort of lashes!

the suggestion of 1-2 shades darker, GREAT advice! i was soooo wondering about blend down to neckline at least 1 shade darker then? makes sense! i was thinking of using MAC's invisible set powder too...that way it'll work on all the skin tones...

and natural looks, yeah, makes sense for sure...I was thinking colors like Mulch, the Inventive Eyes Quad, Shroom, Haux, Vanilla....any other color suggestions? Or should I avoid using shimmery eyeshadows? because a LOT of MAC's shades are shimmery....suggestions on particular colors would be GREAT!

you all are so helpful!


Well-known member
I personally would use a bronzer and DEFINATELY a blush thats brighter than you normally would use it. Like if you think the person would look great in a light peach, go for a darker peach.


Well-known member
! Yes, great ideas too! I had planned on using bronzer as well...especially since most of the women anchors there are VERY fair skinned!

Bronzer on the men as well? There is one anchor who is fair skinned, but does a pretty good job at his own makeup...however his blush just doesn't seem right! it's like way too brightish it maybe should be a darker color...not so bright....LOL does that make sense? hehe

This will be fun to do!


Well-known member
It's a bit of a long shot I know and it may not fit in with your location or timescales but there is a M·A·C Pro Master Class called "Making a career in television" - you can log on to the M·A·C Pro website for further details. It is running in Toronto, Ontario and Glendale, California early in December.

A little booklet is given out at the master classes which gives the details for the whole season's classes not just the one you are attending. It lists suitable products for each class and has quite a lot on television makeup with hints and tips as well as recommended products. Even if you can't get to the television master class perhaps you can attend another more convenient one and pick up the booklet or alternatively ask someone at M·A·C to send you a copy of the booklet.


Well-known member
^ good idea! Yeah that's FAR away from where I'm at and no way could I afford to get there at this point (though I'd LOVE to go!!)

who at MAC would I ask? my manager maybe? I'd love to get a booklet from that training...mmmmmm I will have to call Tiffany and ask her!

*EDIT: Just talked to my manager and she has that booklet and is going to make me a copy of it!
thanks for the suggestion!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foreveratorifan
Just talked to my manager and she has that booklet and is going to make me a copy of it!
thanks for the suggestion!

That's great, I hope you find it useful

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