
Christina Victoria

Well-known member
I just found a picture on a girl's myspace (goes to my school), making fun of me because they think I wear too much makeup? It sort of hurts to hear that, since I really don't think I wear excessive amounts, but girls here aren't mature at all, so most don't wear any makeup. Apparently they also think I have a fake-tan too, and wear concealer lip gloss. C-thru isn't concealer. Bronzer is amazing. I wish girls here knew a thing about makeup.



Well-known member
dont pay any attention to them. they're just idiots/irrgnornt (sp?). they're probably just jealous of you. a lot of people do that when they're jealous. dont worry, ur beautiful.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by mel0622
dont pay any attention to them. they're just idiots/irrgnornt (sp?). they're probably just jealous of you. a lot of people do that when they're jealous. dont worry, ur beautiful.

Aww, thank you.

It's just hard because that girl (Her name is Colby) used to be my one of my best friends, and ever since this year she's just become a different person. And I know I wear probably a lot more makeup than the girls at my school, Makeup is my passion. I love it, I think it's amazing, and fun, and I don't like how I look without it. I think my town is in general filled with idiots, (I work at my mum's store so I see them every day), and very sheltered people. I'd love to move to California, where people have more knowledge of not only makeup, but fashion, high-fashion, coutoure.. Things like that. I just feel like I don't belong here, like I'm so much more mature than most of these girls (And guys!). I wish I'd fit in, but I guess girls here don't like my girly-girl style.

Maybe they are jealous, but I don't know.. I've never known myself as beautiful or gorgeous, although I do a lot of modeling and photoshoots..

Sorry to ramble.


Well-known member
oh dont even fret. yeah i know what you mean. i'm 17, in high school. and yeah i feel waaaaay mature(er) lol than others. so i know what u mean, i wear a lot more MA than other girls at my school too. the typical teenage MA they wear is lipgloss, eyeliner (sometimes a lot), and mascara. i dont know why people are like that but they just are and u have to learn to ignore it and brush it off. thats the only thing we can do u know? but if it just gets too far then u might have to confront her and ask her whats her problem. use words not fists. lol. i sound like a mom.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by mel0622
oh dont even fret. yeah i know what you mean. i'm 17, in high school. and yeah i feel waaaaay mature(er) lol than others. so i know what u mean, i wear a lot more MA than other girls at my school too. the typical teenage MA they wear is lipgloss, eyeliner (sometimes a lot), and mascara. i dont know why people are like that but they just are and u have to learn to ignore it and brush it off. thats the only thing we can do u know? but if it just gets too far then u might have to confront her and ask her whats her problem. use words not fists. lol. i sound like a mom.

Aww, thank you so much for your kind words. I feel better, I know even the most beautiful people in this world get criticised when they really shouldn't. I wish that everyone could just be nice to eachother and not make such petty remarks.


Well-known member
well its not a matter of maturity, makeup is a personal choice. haha i don't mean to stick up for the girl or w/e but yeah makeup isn't about maturity. anyway, thats so stupid and rude and ugh i hate how people can't find anything else to dislike so they HAVE to find something. that's what is immature! plus, i'm sure they are just jealous...i mean they have ho-hum lives while you are creative and confident enough to wear makeup and model! pulease in a few years you'll look back at this and think how silly girls can be...i mean you're def. going places while they will sit home and poke fun at people for the rest of their lives.


Well-known member
i agree with mel, don't worry about it girl. they probably are just jealous. either that or they're just too stupid to realize that makeup is, like ette said, a personal choice. people may not like the way i do mine or think i wear too much but it's my choice, and that's how i feel my best so basically, it's like "if you don't like it then fuck you" you know?

you're awesome and you have a great style, don't change for anyone or anything and don't let 'em get to you


Well-known member
Hey girl, I know exactly what you're going through. High school was one of the worst times for me ( I'm 23 now ), basically because of catty jealous girls - just like the ones you're dealing with.

But this is the kind of stuff that's going to make you stronger in the long run. You'll find other girls who have the same interests as you, who you can connect with on the same mental level.

The only reason they care so much about how you look/wear your make up/etc, is because they know they'll never be able to achieve that talent. They have to tear you down so you'll be at their level, even though you're way above it. No matter how old you get though, girls like that don't go away. Like I said above, I'm 23 & I *STILL* have a girl or two who are "supposed" to be my friends talking crap about me behind my back...really hurtful things too. But you can't change people who are so insecure with themselves that they need to prey on the secure ones.

And just for the record, I've always been into make up & fashion, I was 13-14 years old & idolizing Pamela Anderson. As I got older, I started experimenting w/different looks to try & emulate my heroes. Of course girls never understood it & made their comments. But I didn't care, because I had perfected the "look" I wanted & felt beautiful.

And it did pay off, because now today, whenever I'm at work, at the store, getting coffee - wherever I am, I have people say to me,"I love your makeup! What do you use?" To me, that's the ultimate satisfaction & gives a great big "middle finger" to all those hater girls.

Sorry to rant, but this just hit close to home for me.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ette
well its not a matter of maturity, makeup is a personal choice. haha i don't mean to stick up for the girl or w/e but yeah makeup isn't about maturity. anyway, thats so stupid and rude and ugh i hate how people can't find anything else to dislike so they HAVE to find something. that's what is immature! plus, i'm sure they are just jealous...i mean they have ho-hum lives while you are creative and confident enough to wear makeup and model! pulease in a few years you'll look back at this and think how silly girls can be...i mean you're def. going places while they will sit home and poke fun at people for the rest of their lives.

I know it isn't a matter of maturity (wearing makeup or not), but I find it immature that they have to do that behind my back just to get a few laughs. I'm really just more disgusted than upset, because for the most part, I'm not rude or mean unless someone gives me a -good- reason to be that way. It makes me wonder what else they say when I'm not around.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
i agree with mel, don't worry about it girl. they probably are just jealous. either that or they're just too stupid to realize that makeup is, like ette said, a personal choice. people may not like the way i do mine or think i wear too much but it's my choice, and that's how i feel my best so basically, it's like "if you don't like it then fuck you" you know?

you're awesome and you have a great style, don't change for anyone or anything and don't let 'em get to you

Aww. Thank you for your kind words. It's difficult because I've battled a lot of heartbreak with my father dieing, and eating disorders, and I was really -insecure- about myself (Mostly my weight) for the longest time. This year, I've finally grown out of it (Not fully, but much better than before), and it's hard for me to not let people bring me down.

Thanks so much for your support. <3

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Hot*Pink ::

I'm so sorry to hear about your 'friends' talking behind your back.. I envy you for how you're able to shrug it off.

Hehe, I idolize Pam too - I think that she's so pretty. It's wonderful that people recognize you for your talent. I do get compliments on my makeup, but I guess the bad comments stick with me more so than the good ones.

Thank you so much for your kind words. <3


Well-known member
Christina - those girls say that stuff behind your back because they don't have the guts to say it any other way ... don't let it bother you. Sounds like you are better off without that friend. And definitely they are jealous! Put it out of your mind


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Christina Victoria
I know it isn't a matter of maturity (wearing makeup or not), but I find it immature that they have to do that behind my back just to get a few laughs. I'm really just more disgusted than upset, because for the most part, I'm not rude or mean unless someone gives me a -good- reason to be that way. It makes me wonder what else they say when I'm not around.

yes, you are a very sweet girl, and rereading this, they're just jealous!


Well-known member
That sucks! they are jealous! Thankfully in my HS, although i wear the most mu probably, it doesn't look it because everyone goes around orange! eurgh it's like too much all at once in the wrong shades. we're not even allowed to. my friends love that i love mu so much that they love playing with my mu bag in town and stuff
they love sharing their opinions on shades and love it when i wear blow or a good eye combo. i wish people in your hs would be more mature and wouldn't be jealous! come on, you are all young adults. get a life haters!

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by poddygirl
Christina - those girls say that stuff behind your back because they don't have the guts to say it any other way ... don't let it bother you. Sounds like you are better off without that friend. And definitely they are jealous! Put it out of your mind

Thank you, I'll try.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ette
yes, you are a very sweet girl, and rereading this, they're just jealous!

Thanks, you're sweet too.

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by turtle_pixie_
That sucks! they are jealous! Thankfully in my HS, although i wear the most mu probably, it doesn't look it because everyone goes around orange! eurgh it's like too much all at once in the wrong shades. we're not even allowed to. my friends love that i love mu so much that they love playing with my mu bag in town and stuff
they love sharing their opinions on shades and love it when i wear blow or a good eye combo. i wish people in your hs would be more mature and wouldn't be jealous! come on, you are all young adults. get a life haters!

I wish that girls here would be more mature too, but oh well. I guess I can't please everyone.


Well-known member
Well, I taught HS last year in an area where the teenage girls did not wear much makeup at all. SO if its like that where you are I feel for you. I know that it is probably jealousy issues. I know my mom when I was in HS always said "people are jealous" blah, blah, blah ... but I still felt like I was the ugly duckling- I had no self confidence - even as an adult I'm fairly reserved and shy -

I don't know people have a thing about knocking other people down especially if they are nice looking, successful - any thing they can find to insult. I wouldn't worry about it if your makeup is the only thing they can find to try to insult you about then you don't have much to worry about.

I know one time last year my Drama class of all classes whenever one girl or two were absent the rest would have a day gossiping about them, then the next day they were the "best friends" - @@ -

It sounds like its jealousy - girls want to get on that "we don't wear makeup and we're so hot without it" attitude even though the real issue may be mom or dad wont' LET them wear makeup like you can and they are jealous... :)


New member
ok so first off, you really shouldnt mind this girl cuz: 1- she doesnt even have the guts to say something to your face... please she's trying to start some internet riot... she's got issues. 2- she is talking about someone who used to be her friend, if she doesnt have that friendship for you it's one thing but the lack of respect is totally another. i have many friends who i lost touch with and we just went out own seperate ways. no matter what the circumstance, i never spoke anything of them, especially such stupid crap. she's an immature little girl who has a lot of growing up to do. 3- she is probably jealous. one you probably have more skills than she will ever have with makeup artestry, you probably look better in the makeup you wear, and she's also probably jealous of the fact that you have what it takes to pull of certain looks (that she probably tried as home but looks horrible trying! hehe).

so let haters be haters and just laugh at her poor and sorry ass!!! :-D

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
Well, I taught HS last year in an area where the teenage girls did not wear much makeup at all. SO if its like that where you are I feel for you. I know that it is probably jealousy issues. I know my mom when I was in HS always said "people are jealous" blah, blah, blah ... but I still felt like I was the ugly duckling- I had no self confidence - even as an adult I'm fairly reserved and shy -

I don't know people have a thing about knocking other people down especially if they are nice looking, successful - any thing they can find to insult. I wouldn't worry about it if your makeup is the only thing they can find to try to insult you about then you don't have much to worry about.

I know one time last year my Drama class of all classes whenever one girl or two were absent the rest would have a day gossiping about them, then the next day they were the "best friends" - @@ -

It sounds like its jealousy - girls want to get on that "we don't wear makeup and we're so hot without it" attitude even though the real issue may be mom or dad wont' LET them wear makeup like you can and they are jealous... :)

There aren't a huge amount of girls who wear makeup, but it's more than just wearing.. Makeup is my passion, I love it. Just as they may love something else, I love makeup - And apparently they don't like that.

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