Ultra Cheek - SpringSheen or PeachTwist


Well-known member
I'm about to put in an order for either SpringSheen or Peachtwist
but i can't decide!!! so help me!
the thing is on MUA peachtwist has better reviews than springsheen
but on specktra from what i've read, most of you prefer springsheen over peachtwist.

so help me decide. i can't get both

I've checked out the swatches for it on MUA, i think they belong to pretty kitty...

i'm a NC25. i own NARS orgasm and Shu uemura P Red 14

thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Hi...... well I own peachtwist and not springsheen- they're both not LE so no worries you can get one or the other later! I really like peachtwist, if your fair your gonna have to use a light hand or your gonna look grilled but gives a beautiful peachy-golden color, springsheen is more like orgasm but with a richer peach color... up to youuuuu


Well-known member
I'm an NC20-25 and I love Springsheen. It's a lot more "glowy" than Orgasm is on me and like dstroyedangel said above me, it's a little bit peachier than Orgasm. My MA put Peachtwist on me and it made me look a little too fake-and-bake


Well-known member
I'm an NC35 and I use Deep Throat as opposed to Orgasm as it's too light. I was going to get either peachtwist or springsheen, and then for some strange force of nature ended up ordering Flirt & tease. Can I tell you - I never thought I would love it as much as I do. It's a beautiful and delicate colour despite the colou rin the pot.

If you already have Orgasm - how about living on the edge and getting flirt and tease instead?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katgirl625
I'm NC30 and I've been wearing Springsheen like it's going out of style. Love love love it!!!


thanks so much!
can't believe i wasted a whole hour procrastinating between the two

i'm too happy to hear that they are permanent!!

SPRINGSHEEN it is!!! thanks again so much to all you lovely ladies.

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