ummmm hi


well this is strange. hi im kieran and im here not because im camp or anything weird like that but simply cause i like the fact that make up relates very easily to art and i find what you all do very interesting.
im 15 and quite interested in alot of detailed things and make-up art and fashion is a very good topic and unexplored by the average guy so i thought id look into it.
i eventualy got quite interested and i wanted to learn a thing or to and through research tutorials and youtube i made my way here.

i guess what im trying to say is hello everyone and i hope i can learn all that this field has to offer


Well-known member
hi there and welcome
i agree that makeup does relates easily to art, especially since i'm a graphic artist as well as a freelance MA, lol--i can understand that completely.

anyway, glad to have you on board!


wow fantastic i love graphics glad you see the similarity.
good job getting into graphical art i know its a flooded market and difficult to get noticed.