Upcoming collections


Well-known member
I was thinking we should have a calendar of dates for the upcoming collections. I think it would be an easy and quick reference. I am always searching through the threads for upcoming dates!

Just a thought!


Well-known member
'Colour stories' at the top of page - click it!


Well-known member
i like the idea of a calander as well! i know that we can look at colour stories for the month, but not the actual date. if it was posted in a calander format we could see how many days to the upcoming collection, and how many days from that collection to the next.


Well-known member
OMG, i love this idea! i just bought myself one of those big desk calenders and wrote all the release dates for july and august. i was getting so confused with everything coming out so close together.! i would love to see an interactive calender


Well-known member
isn't there one existing already?? I always click on 'calendar' from top to see when certain collections are released. It also shows members birthdays and away dates as well. I love it. I always look months ahead to see if any new collection release date is listed.


Well-known member
haha, thanks, juli! i've been around for months and never noticed that link : 0 )

yet another wonderful feature!