UPDATE: 24/7 Pencils - Now there's white in the UK!


Active member
Just to let you lovely folks know, we now have Yeyo! I discovered the UD counter in House of Frazer after work today, by accident, and came in at the exact moment they were unpacking the new 24/7 colours and putting them on the shelf - I got the first one, fresh out of the stock carton, yay!!!!
I'm so ridiculously pleased, the gods of make-up were looking down on me, clearly!

So yes, UKers, as of a few hours ago we have the best eye pencil in the world, in WHITE.

(Incidentally, I got talking to the MA on the counter and let him "play with colours" on my face, so I might post the results of that as an FOTD - is that allowed, if I didn't do the look myself? It's worth seeing, apparently I look like a "Punk Barbie Doll"