Urban Decay lipstick packaging?


Well-known member
I just bought my first UD lipstick in Naked and the cap does not stay on very well. To get an idea, if I hold on to the dagger while the lipstick is upside down and wiggle the dagger, the cap will fall off. For those of you who also have the lipsticks, does this happen to you? I want to know if this is just a defective lippie because then I'll exchange. If not, I'm going to return.


Well-known member
I *hate* that damn packaging. HATE it. The dagger hurts, the entire thing is heavy...*ugh* Anyway, you have a defective one. I own a couple and they don't do that, so I'd exchange it if I were you :) The colors are great, the packaging stinks. This is the problem with UD...that and the glitter. (In my defense I own more UD than anything...so I know how bad it can be!)
I have the opposite problem: the cap stays on firmly, which is great except that I dropped the cursed thing once and the dagger fell off. Now if I want to get at the lipstick, I'll have to pry the tube out with a needle. Sure, I could Krazy-glue it back together, but with eighty billion other lipsticks it's easier to do the sour grapes thing and say eh, Requiem was too orangey anyway.


Well-known member
I with you guys. I bought one UD lipstick and although I adore the color... I just can't stand the packaging. I love that they are soft, mine broke the second time I used it (and I am not one of those girls who rolls their lipstick up all the way to apply it) It broke while it was rolled down in the tube. To top that off my dagger broke off too.

Won't be buying anymore of these... too bad I really like the colors.