Urban Outfitters Beauty Products..Online Only?


Well-known member
I was browsing a certain makeup brand and came across it being sold at UrbanOutfitters ...now when i clicked onto "beauty" I noticed a lot of the cosmetics there are sold ONLINE ONLY...why is that? I was planning on going to the one at King Of Prussia to purchase a lot of these items, but not now..

yes i did email them and asked this question , but i can't wait for an email answer so I came here..

I also noticed they sell Asian cosmetics and I L.O.V.E.ASIAN MASCARA'S...to me they out do american mascara's...but as usual ONLINE ONLY...


Well-known member
I was browsing a certain makeup brand and came across it being sold at UrbanOutfitters ...now when i clicked onto "beauty" I noticed a lot of the cosmetics there are sold ONLINE ONLY...why is that? I was planning on going to the one at King Of Prussia to purchase a lot of these items, but not now..

yes i did email them and asked this question , but i can't wait for an email answer so I came here..

I also noticed they sell Asian cosmetics and I L.O.V.E.ASIAN MASCARA'S...to me they out do american mascara's...but as usual ONLINE ONLY...
They don't have a big section for makeup in stores, and they probably want to focus more on clothes in stores.

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