US soldiers torture a little dog


Well-known member
I heard about this earlier. I can't watch the video, but I read the news story on CNN. This is horrible. I can't even begin to put into words how this makes me feel inside. Video appears to show Marine abusing puppy -

There's the link to the news story I read. I can't believe they're keeping him "away and safe" due to all the threats and such he's received. It boggles my mind that he is not being tied to a post somewhere and being tortured relentlessly. Or thrown off a cliff himself.

It's just awful.


Well-known member
all i have to say is.. wow. theyre supposed to be heroes.

.. i love dogs.


Well-known member
It was mentioned that the dog is possible dead and one of the guys has a really good yelping impression for a puppy. I don't know but why would you even want to pretend to be a fuckhead?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
It was mentioned that the dog is possible dead and one of the guys has a really good yelping impression for a puppy. I don't know but why would you even want to pretend to be a fuckhead?

Why you would even throw a DEAD puppy over a cliff and pretend it's real is beyond me, but I really hope it turns out to be something like that.


Well-known member
wth!!!?? omg..that makes me soo mad!!! grrr..seriously..they need to get those boys out of there..their going crazy staying there!! makes me soo sad for that puppy! :-(


Well-known member
ok, i love animals more than anything. However, I think people are rushing to judgement saying that the guys are assholes and blah blah blah. You all have to realize that these men are slightly unstable over there fighting for their life and your freedom. Their judgement between right and wrong is completely blurred. They are sleep deprived for weeks on end, their morals are constantly challenged, they see so much shit they are going through major post traumatic stress disorder and all sorts of horrible mental stuff. Im not saying what they did was wrong, but I dont understand why everyone is so quick to be outraged at these guys. Most people on this board don't understand the daily mental struggles these guys go through...some of them literally come back out of their mind. I love dogs, but theres just not much of an excuse for the disgust that is being spewed at them, especially since they are over there fighting for you so that you can continue living the life that you are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
ok, i love animals more than anything. However, I think people are rushing to judgement saying that the guys are assholes and blah blah blah. You all have to realize that these men are slightly unstable over there fighting for their life and your freedom. Their judgement between right and wrong is completely blurred. They are sleep deprived for weeks on end, their morals are constantly challenged, they see so much shit they are going through major post traumatic stress disorder and all sorts of horrible mental stuff. Im not saying what they did was wrong, but I dont understand why everyone is so quick to be outraged at these guys. Most people on this board don't understand the daily mental struggles these guys go through...some of them literally come back out of their mind. I love dogs, but theres just not much of an excuse for the disgust that is being spewed at them, especially since they are over there fighting for you so that you can continue living the life that you are.

yeeeeaaah ok but he is stationed in the Hawaiian Islands


Well-known member
I met a soldier that just came back from serving and he has PTSD. He & I share so many of the same symptoms. My PTSD was from something entirely different. He wants to go back and serve again, but this guy doesn't realize how much the war has done to him. I can tell from what he was saying and knowing from my own suffering. He has no clue into what has happened within his on psyche.

Yes, I agree with xxsgtigressxx. I am not on the front lines.

It does sicken me about the dog, but I don't know the entire story. Nor, do I know what has happened with these marines. I am not going to judge. I haven't walked in their shoes. Mentally, I know that I never can. I have my own war.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
ok, i love animals more than anything. However, I think people are rushing to judgement saying that the guys are assholes and blah blah blah. You all have to realize that these men are slightly unstable over there fighting for their life and your freedom. Their judgement between right and wrong is completely blurred. They are sleep deprived for weeks on end, their morals are constantly challenged, they see so much shit they are going through major post traumatic stress disorder and all sorts of horrible mental stuff. Im not saying what they did was wrong, but I dont understand why everyone is so quick to be outraged at these guys. Most people on this board don't understand the daily mental struggles these guys go through...some of them literally come back out of their mind. I love dogs, but theres just not much of an excuse for the disgust that is being spewed at them, especially since they are over there fighting for you so that you can continue living the life that you are.

And it's not like he did this, someone seen it, and then went and told the story. He uploaded the video to Youtube. He's asking for judgement. I could be wrong, but I thought it was HIS account that it was uploaded to.


Well-known member
He THREW a dog, alive or dead doesn't matter, across a mountain side and video recorded! And he is NOT in Iraq.

IF he was in Iraq and came back with suicidal tendencies then I would be up for maybe trying to understand the solder's PTSD better but he THREW a dog across a mountain and video recorded it.

He THREW a dog across a mountain and his buddy recorded it and then they went to a computer and uploaded the video they took of when they THREW a dog across a mountain! And then they sat back and cracked a brewski and said "that was the funniest shit ever"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
He THREW a dog, alive or dead doesn't matter, across a mountain side and video recorded! And he is NOT in Iraq.

IF he was in Iraq and came back with suicidal tendencies then I would be up for maybe trying to understand the solder's PTSD better but he THREW a dog across a mountain and video recorded it.

He THREW a dog across a mountain and his buddy recorded it and then they went to a computer and uploaded the video they took of when they THREW a dog across a mountain! And then they sat back and cracked a brewski and said "that was the funniest shit ever"

My thoughts EXACTLY!


Well-known member
i got in a huge heated debate on another forum about this Video (male dominated forum for cars) this video pisses me off. I dont care if the dog is dead or alive.. If it was dead they were pretending it was alive. and it just is not funny. I support the troops 100% ..but this is just plain ignorance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
i got in a huge heated debate on another forum about this Video (male dominated forum for cars) this video pisses me off. I dont care if the dog is dead or alive.. If it was dead they were pretending it was alive. and it just is not funny. I support the troops 100% ..but this is just plain ignorance.

What were some of the males saying or anyone else saying?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
What were some of the males saying or anyone else saying?

most of the guys thought it was disgusting but one guy in particular was telling me how its not torture if the dog dies right away.. and basically telling me I was stupid for caring about the life of a silly little puppy when men were dying overseas everyday.

He has a valid point. there are people over there everyday..

People who CHOSE to be there ( again, I am thankful for them everyday)
THey choose to enlist and going overseas is something to be expected THAT is what the military is there for. Its more than strict rules an an amazing workout for x number of years.

Puppys are helpless creatures against humans (most animals are)

And thinking that videotaping such an act.. and putting on the WORLD WIDE WEB hello what did they think was gonna happen to it. is NOT funny IMO.I dont care if this guy is in the military , or if he works at the grocery store.. This behavior is outrageous.

then the guy on the forum said something along the lines of me being some sort of Left wing extremist . which is not true. im a conservative. and i had no idea what that had to do with anything.

Any how they found out who the guy was and now he is under investigation


Well-known member
He also added that I have never experienced what goes on overseas.

But what I have experienced is tending to 200 neglected abused dogs after hurricane katrina hit. Ive witnessed people abusing their dogs, and turning them into us because they just weren't working out..


Well-known member
The dog off a cliff one is, I'm sad to say, not the only one.

QuizLaw: No Fucking Wonder They Hate Us in Iraq

(BIG HUGE WARNING for any animal lovers. I finally worked up the guts to un-scriptblock the youtube screens and then immediately had to close them just seeing the first frame of each one.)

Yeah yeah yeah, war is hell, whatever, boohoo, it's hard. I realize they're in hell over there, but as far as I'm concerned, it does not justify their actions. A war crime is still a crime.

It makes me endlessly sad that jerkoffs like these guys are not only alive and well but apparently have the free time to torture dogs, while wonderful, caring men like this guy (NPR: Grieving Family Fetches Soldier's Dogs from Iraq), who SOMEHOW managed to be on the front lines of this war without turning into a sociopath so apparently it ISN'T an excuse, die.

To all the non-sociopath, non-fuckhead soldiers out there who are more like Guy #2 (RIP) than Fuckhead Group #1, I am truly sorry, because it's going to be your reputation that suffers.

To those who want to sympathize with these oh-so-tormented soldiers, those dipshits will probably get off with a light slap on the wrist, if anything. More importantly, they're going to remember that it's okay to torture living things for their sick amusement, and they will bring their new disposition home with them when this war ends. Maybe to your neighborhood. Maybe to your dog.

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