Using the Liquidlast with a seperate brush - How well does it work?


Well-known member
I know i could never be doing with the applicator Liquidlast comes with so i was thinking how well would my normal Fluidline brush and technique for applying work with Liquidlast? I'm sure someone once said it wouldn't work very well due the texture of the Liquidlast?

Anyone else already do this?


Well-known member
I only apply my liquidlast liner with my 263 brush because I can't manouvre the original brush tip for the life of me. It works well. You have to work fast because the liquidlast dries fast, but I get much better results with the 263.


Well-known member
I have developed a technique that works beautifully with the liquidlast brush.

I dot the tip of the brush on a tissue to remove the clump.

Then I make dots across each lid at the lashline.

Then after there are dots on each lid, I go back and connect them. By this time the brush is empty of the gloppies and is perfect for connecting the dots which makes a perfect line.

Ever since I started doing it this way, I get no liner on my lashes and rarely make a bad line- unless someone pounds on the door which causes results like a civil war re=enactment application of liner...HAHAHA


Well-known member
I use my angled brushes and some super fine paint store brushes,.. and apply it that way,. what Colorqueen said about blotting the brush so that there isnt glops on it is very important,.. I usually scrape my brush on the insert and apply in short strokes,...But the dot method would work very well too and I may try that.


Well-known member
I apply mine right out of the tube. I wipe the excess off on the lip of the tube and apply. Then I wipe off the excess from the lip with a qtip.

But I have been painting with super fine, and long, brushes since I was about 10 so I have 12 years practice fine lining with hard to controll brushes.

Im sorry Im no help.


Well-known member
thanks for the replies, just wanted to know if it is possible to use a seperate brush with it, so i'll get some now! I don't think i could do it even with the dots technique as i'm always in a rush, but i'll give that a go when i get one!


Well-known member
the trick to applying with the applicator is to apply it downwards 45degrees so that it won't get onto your eyelash. Once u have mastered it, it's actually quite a breeze applying with applicator. It works for me but i don't know if it works for u girls.

I tried to use my 209 brush...but the liquidlast ruined it instead. So i'm back to using the applicator. It takes a bit of getting used to. But i'm fine with it now.


Well-known member
i do it colourqueen's way. i dot it on then connect the dots and shape the line with a liner brush. it stays moist plenty long enough for me