VDay Eye


Well-known member
Hello, Denizens of Spektra, remember me?
Happy Valentine's Day!

I've been sick the last three days with the flu
So I've been feeling really down and out on all sorts of levels, but the Mr. took me out anyway, even though we didn't stay out long, because he wanted to make me smile

We only went to the mall to pick up some MAC, then we came home and he's making me something hot to drink and after I post this I'm going to be curling up on the couch to watch my DVR marathon of MxC haha, I love that show

I'm the anti-Vday girl... I went with green and purple instead of red and pink. I'm using this new Ben Nye palette that I bought and it's totally gorgeous. I urge any makeup junkie to get one, the 12 colour palette only cost me $60!

Anyway... onto the wonky weepy flu eye (no full face, you ladies don't need to see my face while I'm sick with the flu), and the other goods


Rest are in thumbnails: Get clicky happy
The Mr. gave me some shiny stuff and even bought me some MAC. They gave me Sugar Trance instead of Squeeze It, so I'm going back to exchange it. Sugar Trance is way too pale on me

Haul: Springsheen Blush, Sugar Trance l/g, Fun 'N' Sexy l/s, Totally It l/g, 187 Brush.

I appreciate any feedback you lovelies might have. Since being sick I haven't done much makeup lately, but I'll be back in shape once I beat this bug.

P.S. Do I need to wash the 187 before I use it? Some people say yes, some people say no. It's still in its packaging until I get some good opinions