Vegan couple sentenced to life over baby's death


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ATLANTA - A vegan couple were sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for the death of their malnourished 6-week-old baby boy, who was fed a diet largely consisting of soy milk and apple juice.

Superior Court Judge L.A. McConnell imposed the mandatory sentences on Jade Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31. Their son, Crown Shakur, weighed just 3 1/2 pounds when he died of starvation on April 25, 2004.

The couple were found guilty May 2 of malice murder, felony murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to children. A jury deliberated about seven hours before returning the guilty verdicts.

Defense lawyers said the first-time parents did the best they could while adhering to the lifestyle of vegans, who typically use no animal products. They said Sanders and Thomas did not realize the baby, who was born at home, was in danger until minutes before he died.

But prosecutors said the couple intentionally neglected their child and refused to take him to the doctor even as the baby’s body wasted away.

“No matter how many times they want to say, ‘We’re vegans, we’re vegetarians,’ that’s not the issue in this case,” said prosecutor Chuck Boring. “The child died because he was not fed. Period.”

Although the life sentences were automatic, Sanders and Thomas begged for leniency before sentencing. Sanders urged the judge to look past his “perception” of the couple.

“I loved my son — and I did not starve him,” she said.

When the judge told the defendants they could ask for a new trial, Thomas hung his head low.

“I’m dying every day in there,” he said, “and that could take three years.”

2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Seems like a rather heavy handed sentence. While I understand the loos of a child is tragic, life in prison? I really doubt they were trying to kill their child. So are parents who refuse to use modern healthcare because of their beliefs liable for any deaths in their families now? I dunno. Losing their child was probably painful enough, but life in jail?

One thing I dont understand though, is why she didn't breastfeed the newborn. Or is "breast milk" considered an animal product?


Well-known member
A six weeks of age...that weighed 3 lbs? That's ridiculous. That's obviously not healthy. There's obviously something wrong. Starving a child, particularly intentionally, is wrong.
YES they're liable when their NEGLECT causes the death of a child.


Well-known member
I think the punishment fits the crime. If the parents were concerned about keeping their child on a vegan diet, why didn't they prepare their own vegan baby food? It's been done before. They only fed him apple juice and soymilk? You must be kidding me. Regarding the parents' "beliefs", I'd like to know what their diet consisted of that enabled them to live longer than 4 months. Starving one's child is a crime and justice was served accordingly. Another example of why intelligence (and common sense) should be a prerequisite to having children. At least a lifetime in prison will prevent any more procreation by these idiots.


Well-known member
The label on soymilk actually says NOT FOR CHILDREN, not to be substituted for breast milk.



Well-known member
I sincerely hope that they starve to death in jail.

I highly doubt that you'll find many vegans that would agree that their diet was in keeping with a vegan mindset. Soy milk and apple juice have no nutritive value to a newborn. None whatsoever. The child should have been given breastmilk or formula exclusively for at least the first four months of life.


Well-known member
It seems like they were so zealously caught up in their vegan belief system that they simply couldn't see outside of their box. They neglected the baby to death, the punishment is acceptable. (I'm biased, I can't abide ignorance)


Well-known member
Wow they really were idiots. How f-ing stupid can you be to feed your infant apple juice and soymilk? Are they retarded?
It's called breast milk lady, it's free and it's what nature intended for your newborn. If that baby can't digest it he won't take it, then give him formula that is soy based. What a bunch of twits.


Well-known member
Totally fitting, I hope they die a slow painful death. Any Mother knows your instincts kick into overdrive when you have a baby, how could she possibly let her childs cries go unheard. Life in prision is too leanient, I think they should be hung or stoned, I am serious. I have NO tolerance for anyone that hurts a child, none.


Well-known member
So are parents who refuse to use modern healthcare because of their beliefs liable for any deaths in their families now?

Modern healthcare? How is providing for your child in the most basic and instinctive manner 'modern healthcare'?
There wasn't anything wrong with the child at birth, it was a healthy child that was killed due to parental negligence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
YES they're liable when their NEGLECT causes the death of a child.

My thoughts exactly. There are plenty of vegan families with babies and small children who grow up healthy and fine. They should have prepared the baby's meals the vegan way that way they can maintain their lifestyle. Soy milk and apple juice? Seriously?! I don't think ANYONE can maintaine a healthy lifestyle with just that! Vegan or not.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
One thing I dont understand though, is why she didn't breastfeed the newborn. Or is "breast milk" considered an animal product?

Some vegans might consider it as such.

I think it was complete neglect. Firstly, you RESEARCH that stuff if you're going to have your kids being vegan from day 1. When one chooses to become vegan or even vegetarian as an adult, pretty much everyone knows that it's a big step and life-altering way to live. Surely you would think a baby, who is developing a lot more than an adult, would need more nutrients and things like that. I'm sure sites like PETA or other pro-vegan/vegetarian sites discuss the issues of vegan babies and would not suggest that diet. Or better yet, your doctor or a nutritionist. Secondly, your kid doesn't magically bounce from a normal, healthy birth weight to incredibly low weight. A person of sound mind should be able to tell if their kid is losing weight, especially that much.

I'm not sure about the statutes of each charge, but ignorance is really no excuse for the death of that child.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Modern healthcare? How is providing for your child in the most basic and instinctive manner 'modern healthcare'?
There wasn't anything wrong with the child at birth, it was a healthy child that was killed due to parental negligence.

I was thinking more along the lines of like a kid gets sick with something thats "treatable" with modern medicine, but, the family wants to use, "herbal" or "natural" remedies. And as a result the child dies.


Well-known member
This article was both shocking and disgraceful. As the parents of an infant, couldn't they stand to slightly alter or abandon the beliefs of the vegan lifestyle to save their own child?? If anything, why wasn't at least breast milk served? That is not an animal product, it comes from the freaking breast of this stupid "mother". I am not an expert on the Vegan lifestyle but I would assume if you're Vegan then you clearly take concern and caution for the lives of animals yet these idiots managed to abandon any care or caution for THEIR OWN CHILD!! Disgusting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I was thinking more along the lines of like a kid gets sick with something thats "treatable" with modern medicine, but, the family wants to use, "herbal" or "natural" remedies. And as a result the child dies.

That's wholly different from the situation with these parents.

Those issues, the ones you've mentioned here, are subjective, I believe, based on precedent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'm sure sites like PETA or other pro-vegan/vegetarian sites discuss the issues of vegan babies and would not suggest that diet.

Vegan mothers are almost always (I've never come across one who wasn't) very, very pro-breastfeeding. I spend a lot of time conversing with other lactivists and a lot of them are vegan (or vegetarian) women who are absolutely singlemindedly devoted to breastmilk being the only acceptable food source for an infant. Most vegan proponents with infants will breastfeed exclusively until they start introducing solid foods, at which time they introduce a solid vegan diet similar to their own. That is the only healthy way to do it.

The thing that bothers me about this is how they claim they didn't know anything was wrong with the baby. A hungry baby cries. A lot. A baby that is starving to death is probably in agony, until he is too weak to cry anymore.

I am guessing this child never saw a doctor because any pediatrican worth his degree would have been concerned at a 2 week check up when the baby had dropped so much weight. Failure to thrive is not easy to overlook.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I am not an expert on the Vegan lifestyle but I would assume if you're Vegan then you clearly take concern and caution for the lives of animals yet these idiots managed to abandon any care or caution for THEIR OWN CHILD!! Disgusting

Some vegetarians do cook meat for their kids, because they're not 100% if the kid is getting enough protein and nutrients from a solely vegetarian diet. I haven't known any vegans with kids.

I am guessing this child never saw a doctor because any pediatrican worth his degree would have been concerned at a 2 week check up when the baby had dropped so much weight.

I think that in itself is a sign of neglect in addition to the diet. Isn't it standard to take your child to the doctor after it's born?

MAC is love

Well-known member
Those 2 deserve every year they are getting. There is absolutely no excuse to do that to ANY child, ESPECIALLY your own. Any person with common sense would know this. And "not knowing" the child was in danger until "minutes" before he died? BS!!!!!!

little teaser

Well-known member
maybe this will send a message to the other estreem vegans out there.. i think the punishment fits the crime, rather or not if they want to admit they neglected there baby and starve it to death.
besides its not like she didnt know better, your ob gyn tells you through out your pregnancy about the importants of proper nutrition during pregnacy and for the baby the first year of its life..
being a vegan is a personal choice and shouldnt be inforce upon anyone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think that in itself is a sign of neglect in addition to the diet. Isn't it standard to take your child to the doctor after it's born?

Most families also have their kids born in a hospital. They delivered their baby at home. It just sounds like they were uneducated on the issues of childcare, or trying to live a, "natural life" or whatever. And had a tragic accident.

I still dont believe life in jail is appropriate though. It's sad, but infant mortality happens, be it because of parental mistakes, or other factors. I just think it's really harsh to throw this type of a sentance on the couple. There probably already suffering from losing their baby. They really dont need life in prison on top of that. It's not like they drowned their kid by holding it's head under the water, or whatever, like some Moms do.

Look at all the ways baby's die because of "accidents." You could leave a window open on a summer night, and they baby could catch a cold and die. Toddlers fall into swimming pools, because Mom or Dad looked away for a 1/2 second to go answer the door, and their kid was sitting on the grass playing. Infants/Toddlers not properly strapped into car seats in acidents. Should we put these parents in jail too?

There not a danger to the community, or anyone. There is no reason to jail them for life, to do what? Teach them a lesson? I'm sure they are both dying a little inside every day because of what happened. The pain and agony of knowing you caused the death of your child is punishment enough. Jail time is excessive.