Vent: Bad experience at Sephora a couple of days ago


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d n d
You could have a point. It's all about perception. Sometimes something someone says to you won't bother you at one minute and piss you off the next. Sometime our guards are so high we think the world is against us.

I think you did the right thing by making the call, atleast this will allow you to feel some small sense of justice if any is needed. Maybe you should surprise the ladies at Sephora one day and go in and buy a bottle or two of that spray, that way you don't have to worry about running into this situation again because you'll have your own personal stash.

Yes. The call WAS necessary, even if many here believe their actions were somewhat okay, but it wasn't to ME. All I want is for them to approach people differently. Like others have suggested, bugging them every two minutes with "May I help you?" could do it if they're up to no good.

In my store, we sometimes get obvious-looking drugheads coming in trying to "return" products that are halfway used. We don't give them attitude or look at them as the con artists that we KNOW they are. We politely tell them with a smile that we cannot accept used products (which we don't) nor will any store credit be offered. They don't get belligerent, because they know what time it is. All acting the fool will do is get security called and they don't want that.

Until that person actually puts the item in their bag or pocket, you treat them as the potential customer you know they WON'T be. LOL! You honestly never know who a person is or who THEY know, so you should ALWAYS come correct. That druggie could be related to a bigwig that might be friends with your manager. Also, our company promotes secret shopping with a vengeance, so you're tested on EVERYTHING.

I never would have treated a customer like Sephora treated me even without LP or diversity training. That *ish was just plain wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove

I never would have treated a customer like Sephora treated me even without LP or diversity training. That *ish was just plain wrong.

I've read this thread front to back like six times.

No bullshit, I have.

And I still don't get what in the world you're saying they did wrong.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
This is true. I think the browsing and the big black bag flagged them. Do you always take that bag or did you browse a few times then take it that time.

And you have to understand that there are people out there that will use their babies or children to steal. You never know who might steal, and the way sephora is set up it would be very easy to grab a handful and leave.

The few times that I go there, I've never had the bag, because it was usually on my break. This one time, I got to work early and really wanted to try the CD Almond Cookie Spritz. Yes, I'm going to finally buy it when I get paid next week. LOL! (Along with the Almond Cookie Lotion - Yummy). Just not getting it from THAT Sephora.

Okay, what she SHOULD have said after I asked WHY she was asking if I was waiting for someone was "Somebody came in asking if one of their friends were here and we thought it was YOU."

That would have ended it right there. I wouldn't have thought about it again and this thread never would have been created. I would stayed happily lurking in the cosmetics and working for retailers forums.

I know I caught her off guard when instead of saying Yes or No and asking her "WHY?" she didn't know how to handle it. Which explains why she ran off so quickly and the black chick was sent to smooth things over like nothing happened. Didn't work.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I've read this thread front to back like six times.

No bullshit, I have.

And I still don't get what in the world you're saying they did wrong.

It's okay Shimmer. You don't have to see it, the point is I believe something went down and that's all that matters.

You had to be there.


Well-known member
But it's not just me who's sitting here asking that, it's numerous people who have collectively, years of experience in retail and cosmetics.

And, maybe she 'ran off' because of the attitude she perceived you to have?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
But it's not just me who's sitting here asking that, it's numerous people who have collectively, years of experience in retail and cosmetics.

And, maybe she 'ran off' because of the attitude she perceived you to have?

I know if I had asked that and got the response I would have backed off as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I guess the part that I'm really confused about is how or why race keeps getting brought into the situation in the first place?

And, I don't get the whole 'the bitch', 'the salesbitch', etc. thing.

She caught a slight attitude when giving me her reason for asking if I was waiting for someone. It was almost like how dare I ask "why?"

She's also a bitch to me, because she pissed me off. So that's where the "salesbitch" thing comes from.

As for sending the black girl, I just find it strange that in a store full of employees they send the ONLY black one to come and "Hi" me.

YOU may not find anything wrong with it, but I do. Even if there is no case for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
But it's not just me who's sitting here asking that, it's numerous people who have collectively, years of experience in retail and cosmetics.

And, maybe she 'ran off' because of the attitude she perceived you to have?

Um, I didn't have an attitude. Sorry, but I'm not an angry neckrolling black woman like in the movies.

Even with the way she came at me, I was STILL VERY NICE in manner and speech, which is why I don't understand why she ran off.

You seem to be looking for a reason for me to make this my fault or to absolve them of their F'up. It's okay. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I've stated my feelings and if they're not good enough for YOU, then so be it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
I know if I had asked that and got the response I would have backed off as well.

What response?

Because I asked her "Why" she was asking me if I was waiting for someone? That makes no sense as does HER REASON for asking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove
She caught a slight attitude when giving me her reason for asking if I was waiting for someone. It was almost like how dare I ask "why?"

She's also a bitch to me, because she pissed me off. So that's where the "salesbitch" thing comes from.

As for sending the black girl, I just find it strange that in a store full of employees they send the ONLY black one to come and "Hi" me.

YOU may not find anything wrong with it, but I do. Even if there is no case for it.

perhaps the "black salesgirl" was the store manager? i.e. part-timer called her superior over?

i've worked in retail before, for years. the only "profiling" we did was keeping an eye on people that seem that they might be stealing. (for whatever reason: big bag, frequent browser, going to back of the store, looking shifty, etc)

playing the race card is a tiring game, really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove
What response?

Because I asked her "Why" she was asking me if I was waiting for someone? That makes no sense as does HER REASON for asking.

If I were a sales person and that was my opening line, however bad it was, with good intentions and someone asked me why. I wouldn't try to keep up a conversation. I'm saying that if she honestly was just trying to make conversation, even with a horrible attempt and someone cut her off with why, surely you can understand why she might be offended and walk away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by effboysinthebut
If I were a sales person and that was my opening line, however bad it was, with good intentions and someone asked me why. I wouldn't try to keep up a conversation. I'm saying that if she honestly was just trying to make conversation, even with a horrible attempt and someone cut her off with why, surely you can understand why she might be offended and walk away.

What on earth did SHE have to be OFFENDED about?

First off, she didn't start with "Is everything alright? Do you need any help today?" like the first girl. I never saw her before her "Are you waiting for someone?" question, as I'm stooped over looking at some lipsticks. I mean, I'm really fully engrossed in lip and cheek colors that I'm looking at. She basically came from out of nowhere and didn't realize she was a salesperson until I looked up at her.

It's amazing how a post gets dissected into what people WANT it to say rather than what it IS saying.

This isn't directed towards you effboysinthebut, just an observation in general on many messageboards across the internet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove
As for sending the black girl, I just find it strange that in a store full of employees they send the ONLY black one to come and "Hi" me. YOU may not find anything wrong with it, but I do. Even if there is no case for it.

But wasn't she the THIRD person to approach you? That's why it feels a little like stretching to me. Wouldn't you have also had an issue if "every white girl in the place" approached you?

Regarding the VS experience that someone posted about: that sounds like racial profiling that trickled down from stereotypes held by that specific store's management. Knowing people who work as managers at VS in my state, I can tell you it is NOT a corporate policy. And it would seem in no way acceptable to me on any level.

Regarding shoplifters not fitting any one mold: when I was in high school, I worked at a grocery store, and I remembered this one incident: an older gentlemen is checking out (picture a cute grandfatherly-type, sunny disposition, etc). Anyway, his head is bleeding(!); blood dripping from under his cute little cap/hat. "Sir, you're bleeding; let us help you; let us clean it up; get a bandage, etc", but he would have none of it; he was fine; it was just a little scratch. Turns out it was a steak under his hat.

That was always a tough situation because it is typically out of desperation that people steal food; most of the time in these types of incidents charges wouldn't be pressed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove
She caught a slight attitude when giving me her reason for asking if I was waiting for someone. It was almost like how dare I ask "why?"

I can't speak for that.

She's also a bitch to me, because she pissed me off. So that's where the "salesbitch" thing comes from.

That speaks a lot about one's character then. Just because someone 'pisses you off' validates you calling them derogatory names? That's rather, IMO, ridiculous. It's also markedly immature.
As for sending the black girl, I just find it strange that in a store full of employees they send the ONLY black one to come and "Hi" me.

YOU may not find anything wrong with it, but I do. Even if there is no case for it.

If the black female had not approached you, it's highly possible you would have been irritated that only white associates came to help you and then when they didn't meet the needs you defined, you could have (though probably illegitimately) claimed some version of racism.

Originally Posted by scorplove
Um, I didn't have an attitude. Sorry, but I'm not an angry neckrolling black woman like in the movies.

I don't make that kind of assumption about anyone.
Even with the way she came at me, I was STILL VERY NICE in manner and speech, which is why I don't understand why she ran off.

You seem to be looking for a reason for me to make this my fault or to absolve them of their F'up. It's okay. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you about this. I've stated my feelings and if they're not good enough for YOU, then so be it.

Generally, they 'run off' because theyhave some kind of sales goal for the shift that must be met and if Sally SA isn't meeting your needs, maybe Melly SA can give it a go and try to satisfy you.
Sometimes SAs don't 'click' with a customer for whatever reason.
I'm not trying to make anything your 'fault' but I really do fail to see how or where there's anything that can legitimately be called a 'fuckup'.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scorplove
One last time, she asked me if I was waiting for someone because I WAS WALKING AROUND THE STORE LOOKING AT PRODUCTS. This is what EVERYONE does at Sephora. There wasn't anyone looking for a friend......

No need to mention it one last time. It's been said. I realize that. What I am saying is that you can't even entertain the fact that she might have just been striking up a conversation. You can't even acknowledge the fact that you were displaying warning signs that SAs look for in shoplifters.

I was at Sephora today and some of the SAs that approached me started up conversations. I'm not offended. Not all of them were the same race as me. I am still not offended.

Originally Posted by scorplove
I have never, ever in my SHOPPING life been approached this way. NEVER..

What way would that be? Someone asking you if you needed help? A sales associate striking up a conversation? An SA who smiled at you in a way that you decide is nefarious?

Originally Posted by scorplove
...Everything they did was WRONG..

Like what? Smile? Ask you for help? Strike up a conversation? I still cannot see how this is offensive.

Originally Posted by scorplove
....She came at me like a security guard. After I told the first girl that I didn't need any help. Less than five minutes later the second comes over to where I was standing asking me her stupid question.......

She "came at you"? Was she lunging at you? Running?

Like a "security guard"? Was she macing you? Did she have a night stick? Was she threatening to arrest you?

That is overdramatic language when all she did was walk up to you.

OK, you deem her question as stupid. Perhaps next time you go shopping, you can give the SAs an advance copy of appropriate topics that they can discuss with you without fear of being considered "stupid". I'm sorry to be a bit sarcastic here, but come on.

Originally Posted by scorplove
.....Anyway, it's over now. I doubt very seriously you would have "understood" what she was doing if she came at you the same way she did me. You weren't there. I was.

You make a lot of assumptions.

You're right, I wasn't there. I am formulating my opinion based on your recounting of the events.

It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience, but honestly your reaction does not appear commensurate to the events.


Well-known member
I don't think anyone else has mentioned this and since I've never worked for a Sephora so I don't know how they handle approaching customers, but I know where I work, EACH and EVERY one of us must approach EACH and EVERY customer before they leave our department. It sucks because it annoys the customers but we try to make a joke out of and let them know they're going to get approached X amount times more, but I see alot of complaints on message boards about getting appraoched multiple times and I wonder if other stores might have the same policy.


Well-known member
I have had bad and good experiences at Sephora and other high end store , and I think some of us had. I've had a SA follow me around as if I was going to steal and I've had a SA who helped/suggest things to me which is great.

After reading posts about Sephora related issues, it may be that it is store policy to ask customers if they need help... Since you work in retail, I'm guessing it is store policy to ask a customer for help every once in a while.

I know a lot of company's ask their SA to try and offer a suggestion when a customer comes into the store. I was interviewed and asked the same question about a scenerio. When the customer says "no thank you" as a SA you give them space, maybe after a few minutes ask them if they would like to see a new product.

Now, I am not here to put you down or anything, but have you ever thought about it the other way around? You work in retail, and MAYBE you/other SAs may suspect an "over sampler" or a possible thief, maybe you would have done the same?

I do agree that they were a bit too much, and probably the other SAs did not see you come in, but that maybe another factor as to why they kept asking you if you needed help? And the SA who made that comment, I forgot what it was, but maybe she had a brain fart and blurted something out of context, which may have happened to some of us before. hahah... Or it can be she is new to retail and did not know how to handle the situation in its entirety.


Well-known member
some people say really dumb things. I notice that....wherever I go. Maybe she just didnt think before she spoke and just said something dumb? Peopel say dumb things to me all the time and leaves me thinking "wtf?"

I dunno thats my thoughts on this. Everyone else says that when they go to sephora people bug them every 2 minutes as well. Maybe this is what happened and u just got the wrong impression?

Girl about town

Well-known member
This is the reason i no longer work in retail, some customers are plain rude when you make small talk and try to start an interaction, a lot of customers speak to you like you are dirt on their shoe, but if you give any attitude at all they make complaints.
When i was in Ibiza i went into a large beauty store selling high end cosmetics, i was followed from the moment i walked into the store, even when i moved to the other side of the shop, she was right beside me. Maybe the were following me because im not spanish??????(Unless she actually came up and said you aren't spanish, therefore a theif who knows??) At the end of the day it is their shop and they have a right to defend the products from being stolen!! if i don't like it i should just leave the shop and go to another x