very nervous about college- tips please!


Well-known member
I'm moving into my dorm on Thursday(It's my third year in college, but until now I've been living at home going to a community college) and I am freaking out. I've never lived away from home before and am starting to freak out. I will only be about 45 minutes away from home but I am still incredibly nervous! Any tips on conquering that? Thanks so much for anyone who can help me!


Well-known member
Just relax. Trust me. You are going to meet so many people - honestly, you are going to have the time of your life.

Very exciting!!


Well-known member
It's amazing, I'm in the reverse situation almost...Last year was my first year and I moved into the Towson dorms, had a blast. Now I'm a sophomore, my parents are making me pay for school I had to move back home, go to the comm. college here...

I'm going to miss living away from home, I'm so independant, I enjoyed life away from home.

Hope you have fun moving in tomorrow! That's one of the best parts!
Do you know your roomie?


Well-known member
Definately get involved and speak up in class. Talk to people who sit next to you. I found when I moved to college, being quiet and shy did nothing for me. When I just said hello, made random conversation, etc, I ended up making some of the greatest study buddies/friends ever.

I don't know how large your college is, but on the sorority thing, you either love em or hate em, or you're like me and totally on the fence. (that made NO sense.)

Anyways, I joined a sorority, loved the girls, but didn't see the point in spending money for parties, t-shirts, and general fellowship I could get for free with my old friends and people I meet in class. i am still friends with some of the girls, and if moneys not an issue, they can sometimes be like a family away from home and def. help with loneliness and any boredom (which is rarely a problem....)

Anyways, I've done alot of it, 2 years at a community college that was a 100 miles away from home, 2 years at a state university that was 70 miles from home, internships, taking time off, commuting, dorms, living off campus, scholarships, fin. aid.....I'm glad to help with any college questions!


Well-known member
My best advice is: buy flip flops for the shower!
Seriously, though, I know it seems kind of scary to move away from home after spending almost twenty years in the comfort of your family, but I like to think of college living as a nice little transition into adult life and fending for yourself because on the one hand you're alone, but on the other you are still surrounded by people. Get to know the people on your floor and try to go to meals with them. If your school offers on-campus activities, go to those to get to know more people who live on campus. It's daunting at first, but I was so happy when I settled into living away from home because I started to feel like I was really growing up!


Well-known member
just be social! everyone else is in the same situation as you are, so come across like you want to meet people, be open-minded, and you will!
i'm at home my sophomore year (now), but it was def. a worthwhile experience living in the dorms at least once, it was a great experience not only to meet people totally different from me, but also to live on my own and be more self-reliant.


Well-known member
Thank you so much everybody! I feel much better hearing your advice - I seriously appreciate it more than you'll ever know
Unfortunately I don't know my roomie yet - I have a name, but that's it. And Moonrevel - already got flip flops! Thanks
I don't even wanna know what I could catch from those showers!


Well-known member
It will be fiiiiiine.
Everytime you feel like you just want to come home, let yourself feel bad for five minutes and then do something productive, like homework. For me, the schoolwork is the most important part of the experience, so that worked for me.

Also, I was able to make LOTS of friends two ways: one, I took two very tough classes and all the students bonded over the experience. Two, I joined a history honor society (which is my major) and took a leadership position. I know practically everyone in my department now and I've made some really awesome friends. I bet that would definitely be a way to get your mind off not being at home.


Well-known member
Party! Meet friends! Join a Sorority! Hehehe...

Just dont lock yourself in your dorm. Plenty of other people looking for friends. It's a lot of fun!

Dont Miss Welcome Week!


Well-known member
hah, i've been out of college for...uh...5 years now and i *still* miss living in the dorms
there was always someone around to hang out with and talk to!

i think you will really enjoy the experience! and if you ever get really homesick, your parents are a mere 45 minutes away
you're going to love it, tho...there will be no shortage of people to make friends with and there's sure to be something going on all the time.


Well-known member
im scared of college but think of the good things that your gonna face moving to the dorm. new friends and your going to experience so many new things. just relax and everything will go smoothly.


Well-known member
Yeh trust me, you'll never be alone (cept maybe on weekends depending on if your college is a commuter college, i know my dorms were empty on weekends). Which is nice, since there is always someone to hang out with at all hours of the night.