Video Editing Software - recommendations please


Well-known member
Hey all!

We have just invested in a video camera as the other half takes part in some car runs and car shows and stuff.

(I get to play make up - he gets to play cars - its a very good partnership

So seen as how there are so many people here who's you tube channels I watch and who are really quite good at this sort of thing - I thought I would ask if any of you could point us in the direction of good and easy to use editing software as it is something neither of us have ever done before.

If you are aware of any tutorials that would help to get us started we would both be very grateful as we have a run this Sunday...

Thank you!



Well-known member
Just to try it out, it's easy and user friendly and normally included in any PC, Windows Movie Maker


Well-known member
Before you decide to purchase a bigger video editing software, you should look to see what is installed on your computer. Usually for windows it's movie maker...

and I found a decent tutorial to start with here:
YouTube - Movie Maker Video Editing Tutorial

Find out if that will suit your needs without purchasing anything further. I've only used it a few times... but for me it works because I have very low needs for video editing.


Well-known member
PC's come with Windows Movie Maker (so that's free). But watch out, it can freeze up on you a lot and you should keep saving your project just in case. That is probably the most user friendly one though.

Sony Vegas is a good one that I have tried...I have a friend who swears by Magix and says it is the best she has tried. Try dloading trial software if you are interested in those.