Virgin Isle CCB or similar? [UK]


Well-known member
So, I'm absolutely in love with Virgin Isle CCB and want it badly - of course, it's IMPOSSIBLE to find. I've heard that Rich Coral CCB from the pro stores is close, just a bit toned down - but I live in England and when I called the pro line, they told me they don't stock it over here =[

Does anyone have any suggestions for a CCB/Cream blush/ Anything that I can get **specifically in the UK** that's close to this?

Thanks for your help, ladies. Sometimes I hate living in the UK, we don't get half the decent stuff =[


Well-known member
I picked up Virgin Isle from the Carnaby St Pro Store a few weeks ago after thinking it had disappeared how happy was I as NY Pro couldn't track it down for me when I was after there in May.

Ring the Pro store and see if they have any left.


Well-known member
Yep, check with your store and see if they could even order it in for you. A pretty close color is Fabulush, but I have no idea if it is available in the UK.


Well-known member
I'll try calling the pro store and see if they've got it or can find it, thanks for the tip. And Fabulush IS available in the UK (or it was last time I was on MAC's website haha) so that one should be easy enough to get.

Thanks dolls!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Yep, check with your store and see if they could even order it in for you. A pretty close color is Fabulush, but I have no idea if it is available in the UK.

Nah it doesn't. I bought Fabulush yesterday and it looks nothing like Virgin Isle. Rich Coral would be a closer match.