Vomment Etiquette

[Rant Alert]
So I was curious on your opinions of “vomment” etiquette. And for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, it’s basically online word vomit.
I ask as a recent vommenter.
I was talking to this very cool, witty, smart guy recently, and after a slew of shitty events last week, I was online (it’s like being drunk at a wedding—you just need to excuse yourself and go to bed) and I accidentally vommented. So I haven’t heard from him since. And I even apologized for it after the fact and still, nothing. It wasn’t crass or rude…or even creepy. Just out of left field (though a topic we had actually talked about once before).
I believe if we’d known each other a month more, it’d almost have been endearing.
So what is the *right* way to handle these situations? Or did I just f*ck things up and need to move on?
Thanks for your advice, and companion stories are welcomed, too!


Well-known member
I'm not sure I understand. You we're chatting with him, but told him you had to vomit/you had vomitted in order to end the conversation?
Maybe it's the way I'm reading your post, but can you clarify what vommented means?


Well-known member
i *think* she meant she swore.

1. vomment 5 up, 1 down
Pronunciation: 'vä-"ment
Function: noun or verb
Etymology: Conjunction of vommit and comment.
1. Vulgar, inane, off-topic, rambling comments to blogs, forums, news, reviews, etc. 2.verb -ment·ing, -ment·ed the act (tense) of numerous comments (vomments) to an internet body of work, articles, blogs, reviews, etc.


well you apologized and if he's going to be a tool then you should just move on


Well-known member
Oh ok! I reread it and it makes more sense now. You're right, she overspoke/dished too many details.
Wow, I am so unfamiliar with this new internet lingo.
Edit: now it means to swear? Damn...


Well-known member
Vulgar off-topic rambling? Lol - i do that all the time! If someone doesnt take it for what it is - a moment of WTFness - then it says more about them than it does you.


Well-known member
If that can be held against a person, I'm so fucked.
Originally Posted by Shimmer
If that can be held against a person, I'm so fucked.

LMAO! Seriously. I actually jumped the gun and he was toally cool about it. So I guess I'm my worst enemy.
Thanks, though!
Originally Posted by wolfsong
Vulgar off-topic rambling? Lol - i do that all the time! If someone doesnt take it for what it is - a moment of WTFness - then it says more about them than it does you.

You're totally right. We worked it out. I forgot that other people have lives outside of my mind's workings so...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I'd have no friends.

My mom would have disowned me years ago too.