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Wannabe Asian Twiggy Tutorial


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Salynn
wow! Such a beautiful look! Great work you've done!
Please post other tutorials. I will really appreciate.

One question please...how do you find Mac Full Coverage foundation?
Thank you.

I'll post more tuts when I can. I'm glad you enjoyed it! They should sell the MAC FC Foundation at all MAC stores, particularly the freestanding ones, and online. It's creamy and easy to build from light to heavy coverage depending on how much you need. I even use it as a concealer! Oh, and it lasts FOREVER!!! I buy a new one every two years. It never seems to expire. Use sparingly only on areas you really need it, otherwise it can clog pores. I haven't had any issues of breakouts with it, though, and I love this more than liquid foundations. HTH!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missymaricel
I'll post more tuts when I can. I'm glad you enjoyed it! They should sell the MAC FC Foundation at all MAC stores, particularly the freestanding ones, and online. It's creamy and easy to build from light to heavy coverage depending on how much you need. I even use it as a concealer! Oh, and it lasts FOREVER!!! I buy a new one every two years. It never seems to expire. Use sparingly only on areas you really need it, otherwise it can clog pores. I haven't had any issues of breakouts with it, though, and I love this more than liquid foundations. HTH!!!

Thank you!
I really love its coverage. I am going to go to Mac's tomorrow and i will try.

Thanks again


Well-known member
great tut. I love the colours and the whole look; but I agree with mezzamy on your natural eye colour. They're so beautiful and mysterious, I don't know why you'd want to cover them up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
great tut. I love the colours and the whole look; but I agree with mezzamy on your natural eye colour. They're so beautiful and mysterious, I don't know why you'd want to cover them up.

Aww, you're too kind! I actually normally go without contacts, but did it for the tutorial for a more dramatic effect. I'm content with my natural eye color, but sometimes I change up my eyes like I change up my haircolor. Last year, I was blonde, redhead, brunette, to natural black. I am easily bored and want to try different looks from time to time. But when it all comes down to it, I love what God gave me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I don't think the colours you used are very much Twiggy-like, but the overall finished look is really pretty. Thanks for sharing!

I think she might have meant to convey the Twiggy look with the lashes on the bottom.

Either way, I think this tutorial is fabulous!! I can't see any fault in any of it. You are gorgeous! I hope you post more! I'd love to see what else you have to offer.


Well-known member
You're absolutely right, "Lipshock." I know I can never truly pull off an actual Twiggy look being as she's stick thin, blonde with short hair, not to mention British/Caucasian, haha! At least I can try for her main signature look: BOTTOM LASHES! I do love her use of neutral coloring with smokey eyes for her looks with that extra-defined crease, but dear, Lord, that would look super odd on my own ethnic features! Gotta love her nonetheless!


Well-known member
WOW you look fantastic!!! Thank you so much for this tut, I'll do a friends make up for a wedding (she's asian) and I wondered what make up I should do... now I know: I'll try this look!! Thanks!


Well-known member
i think you did an awesome job on this tutorial. i hope to see more from you in the future.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
WOW you look fantastic!!! Thank you so much for this tut, I'll do a friends make up for a wedding (she's asian) and I wondered what make up I should do... now I know: I'll try this look!! Thanks!

I'm so glad to be of help! Remember to use colors that'll complement her dress color and skintone. I'm sure you'll do a beautiful job on her


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breathless
i did this look today, but it didn't turn out as fantastic as yours =]

It took me a lot of practice through trial and error to modify certain looks to suit my own unique features. Practice, practice, practice and I know you can achieve the look, and maybe even BETTER on yourself!