Warm Lipstick Recs


Well-known member
My chat looking for some warm shades of lipstick, hope this helps some others out there:

emily: I would like some recs for lipstick in the warm range. Thank you!
Dianna: Sure, Emily, I can help!
Dianna: There are so many! What type of warm shades are you looking for?
emily: I have Instinctive. I am looking for every day and maybe a dressy red that might work for me.
Dianna: Ok, for everyday try Viva Glam V, Jubilee, or the new Curtsy Lipstick.
Dianna: Click here for the MAC Lipstick page.
Dianna: For a dressy red, try Dubonnet, Viva Glam, or Russian Red Lipsticks.