Waterproof Eyeliner--


Active member

I am looking for a shimmery bronze/copper eyeliner that has some killer staying power.

I have tried Mac, Urban Decay 24/7 and a variety of others and ALL have rubbed off almost immediately. I don't curl my lashes before I apply eyeliner, mostly so I can see what I am doing. But even if I let the eyeliner set for even a half hour or more, the whole line is gone the moment my Shu hits my lashes.

I used to use a Bare Minerals liner shadow, but that was a purple. The browns I have tried have not held up anywhere near the same.

So...any ideas? I prefer pencils and powders though I am not huge on loose powders because of mess.



Well-known member
If you say your Mac eyeliner didn't last, I'm sure you didn't try Liquidlast Liner! Its staying power is so strong you need an oil to take it off. I tried it in the shower and for swimming and it wouldn't smudge at all. As for the colour, try Brassbeat.


Well-known member
I would second the recommendation for Liquidlasts; their staying power is excellent. Auto-Orange is another nice bronzey/coppery shade to try.

GOSH Cosmetics make an eyeliner called something like Extreme Art Liner which looks like and stays put like the Liquidlasts. The shades just have numbers, but there's a quite nice light bronze one in their range as well.


Active member
Yknow, I don't even consider liquid liners usually because I make a MASSIVE mess with them.

Maybe some weekend I will try the Mac one and see how I do. I normally don't have time in the morning for much.



Well-known member
You might also want to look at MAC's fluidline - where it's gel based, it's got better staying power than a pencil, but it's not as disastrous as straight up liquid. They have some colours that might interest you, too.


Well-known member
Both of the liquid liners which have been suggested are quite thick and - in my opinion at least - more controllable than 'ordinary' liquid liners. I agree that it takes a bit of practice, but I really think that they're worth the effort; they're hard to beat for the length of time they stay put ... and difficult to remove even when you want to! (Use an oil-based remover and you won't have any trouble, really.


Active member
Originally Posted by Sanayhs
You might also want to look at MAC's fluidline - where it's gel based, it's got better staying power than a pencil, but it's not as disastrous as straight up liquid. They have some colours that might interest you, too.

I'll check that out too.

Ill be at Nordstrom returning this studio fix this week sometime so I will check it out then.