Wedding Day Makeup


So, I know how I want to do my makeup for my wedding, but I am having trouble being 100% sure on the products to use...

The overall look I am going for is the simple eye with the black liner on top, kinda thick, and a barely there eyeshadow. A nice all over bronze, and then more dramatic lips.

I am wanting a cake/gel eyeliner but my problems are I need it to be as water proof as it can get. I understand makeup is not permanent, but any suggestions on the best for this?

Also. I have medium olive skin tone and NO idea what shadow to use...I am wanting something sheer and a tad shimmery, but not something that will glare in pictures. Just a hint of color.

And for lips...I do not want my fiance to end up with lipstick on his face so I was thinking a stain with some gloss (gloss can go in the cleavage for touchups) but I have never actually used a stain...any recommendations? I am looking for a red, but more specifically I need brand recommendations.

I am sorta unfamiliar with the best brands out there. I use sephora brand a lot, and too faced and some mac. But I'm a creature of habit and haven't strayed elsewhere...

any help?