Wedding make-up?


Active member
Well, I'm going to a wedding this Saturday...and I was kinda stuck on what colors to wear. I really wanted to do a red lip ('cuz I will be wearing a red and black dress), but I'm not sure what kind of eye I should do. Any suggestions would be great (doesn't have to be a red lip one)! TIA!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Are you in the wedding or a guest? What time of day is the wedding? I'd be afraid of red lipstick being too noticeable, almost like upstaging the bride. Then again, I have full lips, and it would be a lot of red on my face.

If you go with red lipstick, I'd have a very clean face otherwise. Just liner and mascara on my eyes (maybe a highlight over the lid, but that's it.)

Maybe a nice smokey eye in some gray tones and a neutral lip color?


Well-known member
yeah you really dont wanna upstage the bride that can end up pissing alot of people off.

so like the person above said if you do choose to do red lips go for a more subtle eye makeup

plus most makeup artists suggest in any situation that if your going to have a bold eye has a subtle lip and if your going to have a bold lip have a subtle eye.

Good Luck <3