WEEKLY Challenge!!!


Well-known member
Alright ladies and gents of Specktra.... ashley_v85 and I decided Specktra needed to have a weekly make-up challenge complete with cool themes, voting, winners, and lots of fun and inspiration.

Soooo... I just wanted to make this quick post to let you know that this will be implemented very soon. A "rules" thread will be posted. Then the first challenge thread will be posted, and we will go from there!!

I don't know about y'all, but I know *I'm* excited!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by entipy
What's confusing?

COMPLETELY ot...but...

I love your quote in your signature...Kathryn Janeway FOR THE WIN!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foreverymoment
COMPLETELY ot...but...

I love your quote in your signature...Kathryn Janeway FOR THE WIN!

w00t!!! Somebody got it!!
You just made my night.

Yes, I suppose I'm a bit of a geek. LOL


Well-known member
Clearly, I'm not MAC_Whore, but I was initially confused (and perhaps still) at a new weekly challenge with winners that was not being run by the moderators. Sounds cool, though.

How will you handle voting?


Well-known member
I don't understand...are you starting a challenge thread or are you suggesting that we have challenges??...wouldn't you have to ask the mods first before starting something like that??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by QTAllStarGurl
I don't understand...are you starting a challenge thread or are you suggesting that we have challenges??...wouldn't you have to ask the mods first before starting something like that??

Well, kinda both. I've been discussing it some with a mod or two, but nothing finalized yet. I understand now why this post seems so out-of-place here -- I originally posted it in the Challenges section, but it was moved here. Sorry for the confusion.
I'm hoping to get something "official," but I'm not sure yet.


Well-known member
You know, I'm not quite sure what to say here. I thought a weekly challenge would be a good idea, and I thought folks on Specktra would really go for it. Therefore, I contacted the Mod for the Challenge section (glittergoddess) and asked about doing one. I was given instructions by her on how we could go about doing it, but it wouldn't have been "official" that way since neither myself nor ashely are mods. So, I sent a PM to Janice asking about trying to make it official and never got an answer.

When I read some of these posts and see where people have thanked others for posting them, I can't help but feel as though y'all think I've done something out of the way here. Is that the case? If so, I definitely don't understand that, as I've gone through all the proper channels I know how.

As it stands, this has been put on hold for now, anyway. Maybe one day if everything gets straightened out.

Thanks to those who would've been interested!



Well-known member
I think it sounds fun! I don't understand why we can't have fun things like this without having all this formal must-be-approved stuff. It's not like you're asking for nude pics of the week!

Hopefully it'll work out
Count me in!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mreichert
I think it sounds fun! I don't understand why we can't have fun things like this without having all this formal must-be-approved stuff. It's not like you're asking for nude pics of the week!

Hopefully it'll work out
Count me in!

Just to clarify -- I was never told we *cannot* do a Weekly Challenge thread. It would just have to be all-inclusive in a regular thread within that forum/group.
No biggie, really. I just thought it would be fun. Maybe it's for the best it didn't work out yet! BUUUUUT.... when it does, there will be a post over there stating such, so just keep an eye out. You never know!


Well-known member
I can't make the allowance of having you two promoted to moderator without going through the channels that every other moderator has to go through.

It's great you want to start creating these threads, I am at a loss to understand why you haven't been able to work with the FOTD moderators in your own capacity to make this happen. We're not holding anything up, at any time you can create challenges to have people participate in. You don't need permission from us to revitalize a forum, but you do need to cooperate with the moderators of the section so that your challenges can run smoothly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I can't make the allowance of having you two promoted to moderator without going through the channels that every other moderator has to go through.

It's great you want to start creating these threads, I am at a loss to understand why you haven't been able to work with the FOTD moderators in your own capacity to make this happen. We're not holding anything up, at any time you can create challenges to have people participate in. You don't need permission from us to revitalize a forum, but you do need to cooperate with the moderators of the section so that your challenges can run smoothly.

Thanks for the response.

GAH! I'm so frustrated here. I feel like - for some reason - I've stepped on people's toes when that was never my intention. I didn't necessarily want to become a moderator, either. I just wanted to be able to have weekly challenges and have the threads be stickies at the top of the Challenges forum. That's it. I *was* working with one of the mods of that section, glittergoddess, and she was very helpful and told me how I could go about doing the challenges. I just wanted to find out if there was more I could do. Hence the PM I sent to you.

I love Specktra, and I feel like people here are suddenly pissed off at me for something I don't think happened. LOL. All the confusion started because this thread was originally posted in the Challenges section, announcing that we were going to start the weekly challenges, but it was moved here, so people thought I was crazy and/or stupid and assumed I was doing things without first discussing it with mods.

I want to apologize now for any misunderstandings. I never tried to do anything without first discussing it with the mods, and all I ever wanted was answers to my questions. So, I have that now. Thank you.