Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Hey Ladies , The Lovely RBella started a thread about her weight struggles and most of us cam out and said hey... I'm going through the SAME thing. So I thought we might Start a place to hold each other accountable for our habits =).

I will say this ... If you wanna join up I'm gonna try to stay on top of you and I hope other will too ... I would like regular check ins such as

" I had a Great day today ", or "Didn't do So hot today "

That way we can help each other out and if someone doesn't Chime in for a while... I'll try to hunt you down and see how you are doing =)


Well-known member
I'll go first ;

I'm 21 5'2 and currently at the shocking 144 lbs. a couple of months ago I was at 156 but have lost 12 pounds so far. I'm hoping to make it back to my pre College pre Baby days at 115 Lbs.

School is about to start back and my semester is looking pretty packed. So i'm afraid my eating will get out of control. So i'm hoping I can find some good ladies to help me out =).

My plan is to count my calorie intake and begin working out. I had a real eye opener when we went Biking today .... and I about died after 2 miles lol . So I guess I've done well today , I just counterbalanced it by coming home and having my addiction meet with a Cherry Coke lol .... I'm gonna have to watch those.


Well-known member
Ok, well I sure as hell am not posting my stats. Sorry, but I will tell you my goals and what not.

I am hoping to get back to a healthy weight and to increase my activity level. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs and gain lean muscle mass.

My first goal is to get through today without drinking a Dr. Pepper and without binging late tonight.

Ultimately, I would like to start scheduling my workouts into my life, but I don't think I'm ready to do that quite yet. I feel if I can get over the DP hurdle and binging hurdle, I will have made a MAJOR accomplishment.

So far, no DP's today. I have a gigantic headache, but I'm poppin Advil. We will see how later tonight goes.

Good luck Sky. I know we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
You may buy some of the 100 calorie cans of Dr.Pepper and if you do really well you can treat yourself to one ;-) ... Its good to have treats!


Well-known member
That would be a great idea, but they come in a 6 pack and I drink all 6 at once. I really am pretty pathetic. I do agree that I should have treats every once in awhile.

I'm thinking that I might go out to eat with Mr. Rbella every once in a blue moon, and when we do that, I'll have a DP. What do you think?


Well-known member
This sounds cool and a great way to keep ourselves honest...here i go

I weighed myself a couple weeks ago and found out that I'm carrying 150 lbs on my 4'11" frame, 31 yr old frame. Not happy. I also wear a 40F bra size (I've always had a little Dolly Parton goin on) so I'm having all kinds of issues on my little body. I haven't weighed myself again yet...but I have drastically changed my eating habits. Water all day, no sugar, no cheese, trying to plan ahead for my meals...stuff like that. I signed onto Sparkspeople.com so I'm using that to help me out, along with my bff and bf. I don't really eat alot...just bad habits. I have 3 kids, all which are elite atheletes...so mama's trying to catch up. I will admit, I had kind of a rough day and week...so I had a Snicker bar (don't throw things). I need help...and Id love to help anyone else. Let's get this weight off!!!


Well-known member
So far, no DP's today. I have a gigantic headache, but I'm poppin Advil. We will see how later tonight goes.

Awww be careful girl! I've gone cold turkey on my sodas before & it was a nightmare!!! If you can't take it, just cut down the amount of sodas per day (until you get down to no sodas). The good news is if you outlast the headache, it should be gone by tomorrow.
Good luck girls!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pretebrowneyes
This sounds cool and a great way to keep ourselves honest...here i go

I weighed myself a couple weeks ago and found out that I'm carrying 150 lbs on my 4'11" frame, 31 yr old frame. Not happy. I also wear a 40F bra size (I've always had a little Dolly Parton goin on) so I'm having all kinds of issues on my little body. I haven't weighed myself again yet...but I have drastically changed my eating habits. Water all day, no sugar, no cheese, trying to plan ahead for my meals...stuff like that. I signed onto Sparkspeople.com so I'm using that to help me out, along with my bff and bf. I don't really eat alot...just bad habits. I have 3 kids, all which are elite atheletes...so mama's trying to catch up. I will admit, I had kind of a rough day and week...so I had a Snicker bar (don't throw things). I need help...and Id love to help anyone else. Let's get this weight off!!!

Woo Hoo!!! We will!! Don't kill yourself over the snickers. I should think if you just had the one and finished the rest of the day with healthy eating, you'll be fine. What the hell do I know? But, it sounds like a good idea. Anyway, what I mean is it sounds like you are making great changes, don't beat yourself up over one mistake....I'm going to take a look at that website.

Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Awww be careful girl! I've gone cold turkey on my sodas before & it was a nightmare!!! If you can't take it, just cut down the amount of sodas per day (until you get down to no sodas). The good news is if you outlast the headache, it should be gone by tomorrow.
Good luck girls!

Thanks, MAC!! If you don't see me tomorrow by the evening, it is b/c I've admitted myself to a looney bin or b/c I'm too embarrassed to admit that I caved and drank 20 DP's tonight!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Awww be careful girl! I've gone cold turkey on my sodas before & it was a nightmare!!! If you can't take it, just cut down the amount of sodas per day (until you get down to no sodas). The good news is if you outlast the headache, it should be gone by tomorrow.
Good luck girls!

^^^This is good advice. Also, do you like Diet DP? I've really tried to cut back on my sodas...and it's helping me that if I do have the craving for one....I make it a diet. ANd Diet DP tastes just about the same. HTH


Well-known member
@Rbella..I did have a pretty good day today. Breakfast was a 90 calorie cereal bar with coffee (sugar added, this will be a hard one); lunch was a side salad with light balsamic vinegarette with apple slices (Mickey D's style)....dinner is baked chicken. Thanks for the encouragement not to beat myself up


Well-known member
Heck yea, you've done great!! I can't do diet drinks. They rip apart my digestive tract.

I will say that coffee is helping a bit. I am trying to follow the WW points system while eating fairly healthy. I had a piece of double fiber bread for breakfast with coffee and for lunch I had to pop in one of my WW frozen meals, oh and I had a peach.


Well-known member
looks like im not the only one who craves dr. pepper.. i've recently switched to diet dr. pepper.. small step..

i'm 5'10 and my goal is to get "close" to my high school days - back when I was 140lbs. I used to do weight training and was realy toned.. I miss that... My one fear though - back when I was 140 lbs, I was a 34b

so my first goal - no more sweets at work - i ate a whole chocolate bar today....

One other thing I was thinking.. maybe we could ask a mod to make this thread private? that you have to have a membership to this thread to read the contents?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cinci
My one fear though - back when I was 140 lbs, I was a 34b

ME too.... When I was 115 i was an A cup ... and I've gotten really happy with my C's lol .... I asked the mr... So if I loose my boobs but get skinny will you buy me some new ones ? lol He agreed so I guess i'm good there lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
ME too.... When I was 115 i was an A cup ... and I've gotten really happy with my C's lol .... I asked the mr... So if I loose my boobs but get skinny will you buy me some new ones ? lol He agreed so I guess i'm good there lol

hahahahaha me and tbe BF have the exact same deal!!! i'm just worried that he'll change his mind!


Well-known member
Glad to see you here, Cinci! It's so sad, I have DD's and I already have major boob droop. Can you imagine after I lose weight? It will look like something straight out of National Geographic.

So, since you had a chocolate bar today, how 'bout we try for the rest of the day with no sweets? I'll check with you tomorrow and hopefully I'll have had no DP's and you'll have nixed the sweets for the day. Deal?


Well-known member
I got watched that " I can make you thin" and Thats really how i lost 12 pounds

there were 4 "rules

1.) When you are hungry Eat
2.)Eat what you want, not what you think you should.
3.)Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful
4.When you think you are full, STOP eating

It sounds too good to be tru but it REALLY works ( for me at least ;-) and it's so far away from a "diet"

Paul McKenna Rule no 1


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Glad to see you here, Cinci! It's so sad, I have DD's and I already have major boob droop. Can you imagine after I lose weight? It will look like something straight out of National Geographic.

So, since you had a chocolate bar today, how 'bout we try for the rest of the day with no sweets? I'll check with you tomorrow and hopefully I'll have had no DP's and you'll have nixed the sweets for the day. Deal?

Deal! I'll pick up some healthy snacks at the grocery store tonight.. maybe somefresh peas while they are still in season


Well-known member
I have such an issue with numbers 3 & 4 b/c they go hand in hand. I just don't pay attention when I eat. If it is in front of me, I eat it. The whole thing. It's almost like I can't fathom just eating a portion of a meal. I really need to work on chewing and paying attention to my hunger signals.

Good advice, thanks!


Well-known member
Its hard to start out with , but once you get used to it you end up cutting out a ton of unnecessary calories


Well-known member
Ok, Im going to join in on this little group here....I am 5'7" and I'd love to lose about 120lbs. I'm sure that's more than some people think I should lose but oh well, I want to be skinny AGAIN!! I have already lost 14lbs since July 2nd and havent even made an effort in doing so. I have been eating completely vegan since that date after reading a book that TOTALLY grossed me out and I quit eating any kind of animal product. To me it just shows me that losing 14lbs without any effort means that meat and cheese and all that stuff I used to eat before must not be that good for you. I am getting a gym membership next week and I have a treadmill in one of my spare bedrooms. I think once I start incorporating excercise with my new way of eating the weight will REALLY start falling off. I want to be to my goal weight by the time I turn 25 which is November of '09.....Good luck ladies, we can all do this.