Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
I'll join in. I'm working on getting back to my college weight, so that's about 25 pounds for me to lose (give or take...I'm pretty bloated ATM).

I just started working again, so I'm really trying to get back into that routine before adding in the gym. Plus, my office is moving in a couple of weeks and we'll be much closer to my gym, then.

I also really need to start brown-bagging it to work. I work in an office full of men, who eat like NFL linebackers - and none of them look it (of course). Therefore, in order to avoid the inevitable daily take-out, I'll just need to bring my rabbit food and pretend it's a tasty cheeseburger.

Finally, I need to get back to the gym. I miss it. I'm going to on Saturday for the first time in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping that will help me kick-start going back.

I look forward to checking in with you all and noting my accomplishments whilst cheering you all on, as well!


Well-known member
So I'm most definitely joining this group. I think it's a great idea!
At first I thought... ehh I don't know if I want to post my stats but THEN I realized it's a good way for me to also keep on track.. and if we support each other it's a good way to do things!

I started the gym a few weeks ago and I have a friend also who now checks my body fat crap.
It's pretty bad for my health but I did drop 2.7% in body fat and increased in 3 lbs because of muscle weight. It's okay... but I'm ready to lose the weight because this isn't a genetic thing with me.

As for the deadly stats... here goes.
24 yrs old
... 218 lbs.

CLEARLY I have quite some weight to lose but I am proud to say that I have lost 2 inches off the waist... but these hips... are going to be a pain!

But my bad habit is food intake...it's not that I eat alot.. it's that I don't do small meals.. I'll be horrible and have like only 2 meals a day. I have to get on top of that.


Well-known member
yay!!! I'm so excited for this group!! Let's all check in with each other tomorrow and see how we are doing!! Yay for us!!!!!! Thanks for this, Skylar.


Well-known member
I'd like to jump on this bandwagon if no one minds! I've been losing weight this summer, but I'm moving into residence when I start university in 10 days, and I'm scared that I won't be able to keep it up. I'm 18, 5'5 and I weigh about 140 lbs, down 7 since I started in July. I'd like to get to about 120. My plan is to cut back even more on carbs, stay away from greasy, tempting cafeteria food (and vending machines..oh lordy), anddd to go to the gym about 5-6 days a week. I'm excited to see everyone's progress!


Well-known member
Me too! Me too, I get shy to post a lot in the makeup sections of the board because i'm clueless, but weight issues, that I know far too much about. I'm super overwieght but I want to try eating healthier for starters. I seem to have such issues with making healthy choices. I am going to try, just doing that , thinking about what I eat before I eat it. Conciously eating is so hard for me... but I want to try and remember to do that. And just generally be a little more present in my life (I'm such a dreamer)


Well-known member
*raises her hand*

I am so in.

I can identify with those who are "all or nothing" - there are many foods I simply cannot have in the house. Yet I find myself still buying them sometimes. This needs to stop.

I will look forward to having my butt kicked by y'all as needed.



Well-known member
I Vote Everyone tries to do at least 10 mins of Physical activity weather it be walking outside or going to the gym tomorrow =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I Vote Everyone tries to do at least 10 mins of Physical activity weather it be walking outside or going to the gym tomorrow =)

I can do that - and will. I'm posting it, so I gotta. ;-)


Well-known member
Great idea, I started a weight loss motivation thread but nobody took much interest in it
but glad to see this one is working!

I have set myself 2 small goals: the first is to get back to my original pre-weight gain (so I will need to lose 9 or 10kg) and then to my ultimate weight, which is 60kg.

I hope this thread can keep us healthy, happy and motivated

After not weighing myself for 3 weeks, I was delighted to find that I lost 3kg. I was previously discouraged with my weight loss because for about 3 weeks, I hadnt lost anything so I just refused to look at the scales.

So the best advise I can give at the moment is not to be too discouraged but at the same time do not expect instant results!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary

So the best advise I can give at the moment is not to be too discouraged but at the same time do not expect instant results!!!

That is so true. It's all about consistency over time. And having the accountability factor of a group like this is a huge source of support.

Here's to us!



Well-known member
OOO this is EXACTLY what I needed
so 2 weeks ago I started 'doing something' about losing weight.. not giving my stats
but I got a treadmill and I'm walking 2miles a day... I would love to run but I'm too out of shape to jog more than 3-5mins... so pathetic, I know
.. anyways its a start... so I'm watching what I eat.. my downfall is Jack... oh how I love my Jack and coke lol Anyways ladies, its a fight and I'm ready!!! I'm so glad we can do it together!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I Vote Everyone tries to do at least 10 mins of Physical activity weather it be walking outside or going to the gym tomorrow =)

Ok, I'm with this....GAME ON


Well-known member
I wish I could read all these and reply, but I'm stuck on my darned mobile. I'll be back in full effect in about an hour. No DP's yet!!!


Well-known member
Count me in on the excercise front. 10 minutes I can do, even tomorrow which is yucky day for me workwise. Yes its a friday but the actual day is stressful until i'm finally free at 5pm.


Well-known member
Ok, so 10 minutes? I can do that. Right now is my hardest time of the day. Trying not to binge on sweets. Don't have any in the house, but they aren't too far. Only a car ride away....Cannot give up. I have had no DP's at all. I must keep going....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Ok, so 10 minutes? I can do that. Right now is my hardest time of the day. Trying not to binge on sweets. Don't have any in the house, but they aren't too far. Only a car ride away....Cannot give up. I have had no DP's at all. I must keep going....

Just don't allow yourself to leave at night ... it will help with your weight and your wallet the way gas is priced now lol ...


Well-known member
I will join in on the 10 minute challenge... and I bet everyone who does will find that after 10 min they will probably go on and do another 10!


Well-known member
Alrightly ladies!! Check in today!! Did we make our goals?

I did not have ONE SINGLE Dr. Pepper yesterday and I didn't binge before I went to bed. I was dying around 12:30 am so I just had about 10 almonds.

Today I will do my 10 minutes if it kills me!!

Cinci!!! How'd it go?????


Well-known member
well I denied my boyfriend's request to go out for dinner last night and made chicken and salad instead.. and so far this morning.. I'm ignoring the giant chocolate bar in my desk.. i tried to offer it to someone else.. but no takers lol. I'll bring it home and give it to the BF tonight.. and my stassh of cherry candies.. I put at the front of the desk so office visitors can snatch them up for me...


Well-known member
Woo! Count my monkey ass in!
I could use a little motivation. I won't post my weight because I don't even know what it is, honestly. I don't own a scale. I think that's better for me because I'd probably become obsessed with the number aspect and you can't always go by that with all the variables (time of day, how long ago you ate, fat vs. muscle) so I don't even bother. I just go by how I feel/look and how my clothes fit.

I have been doing pretty good the past day or so. Only had a *small* and I mean tiny bowl of chocolate almond ice cream last night for dessert but c'mon, i'm PMSing.. I have an excuse.

Today though, so far I've had a latte (w/ 2% milk! sorry can't do skim, yuck) and for lunch I'll be doing something light because tonight i'm going out to dinner with the fam, so hopefully I won't sabotage myself.

Anyway, looking forward to losing weight with all of you lovelies!