Weird Annoying Anti-Virus Pop-Up?


Well-known member
Once in awhile when I open a window in Specktra instead of taking me to the link I want to go to it is replaced by this fake anti-virus scan window that is a PITA to get out of. I have to close down the tab and reopen Specktra every time it happens, is there a way to get rid of it?


Well-known member
Re: Weird Annoy Anti-Virus Pop-Up?

i have had the same issue to ....glad to know I am not the only one with this issue


Well-known member
Re: Weird Annoy Anti-Virus Pop-Up?

Yep, same problem here. I thought maybe I had ad-ware on my computer, so I'm glad it's not just me!


Well-known member
Re: Weird Annoy Anti-Virus Pop-Up?

Yep this happens with me too! I was hoping there wasn't some bug or something that infected my pc on here. It only has been happening on this site...Hope it gets fixed soon!


Well-known member
Re: Weird Annoy Anti-Virus Pop-Up?

I've never had this problem. Have you tried running a scan? If not, try spybot search & destroy, it is free from


Well-known member
There have been reports of this from other admins I know using Google Adsense. If you guys could please help me isolate the specific ad that is causing this I would really appreciate it so that I can block it from running on the site.


Well-known member
Re: Weird Annoy Anti-Virus Pop-Up?

Originally Posted by nez_o
I've never had this problem. Have you tried running a scan? If not, try spybot search & destroy, it is free from

Trust me, the first time I saw it I freaked out and ran about 6 different scans including spybot. But then I realized it was a pop-up and none of the files it was "scanning" were on my computer. Your pop-up blocker might stop it. It's definetly fake, but it crashes my Specktra tab!

Janice, next time I see it I will try and isolate it for you. It is very random, like I can get one three times in a row or I don't see it for hours.


Well-known member
I also experience the same thing.
Do not install anything that is being suggested.
I once had the same issue through a program and this virus made me think that the problen was coming from my computer. It is really hard to get off but there is a program to download if you guys have problems.
All the virus wants you to do is you to buy their product, which is then the real virus as I heard.
Just email me if needed and I will pass it the program to desactivate the virus if you click ok, ect...
For some reason though I don't get still get all PMs but check the website often.


Well-known member
It isn't just a pop-up. It's malware. My computer is in Blue Screen of Death heaven because of this site. Granted, I had not installed a Virus/Malware protector since I had reinstalled windows before the weekend.

FYI: The last time this happened to me, it came from another site that recently changed their servers. Not sure how that works but I hope it helps.


Well-known member
happened to me this morning..i logged in went to new posts and opened two threads, one was a fotd about matte eyshadows the other i dont remember but it popped up right away i just shut everything down as soon as it would let me and ran my scans. after everything came up clear i came back on specktra and was able to open different threads without it happening again. HTH


Well-known member
Janice, here is the url for the ad, please block it as soon as you can! 9MTI2NjkwME0MaQ%3DM"] 9MTI2NjkwME0MaQ%3DM


Well-known member

It's not Specktra that is "giving you malware", we do not run any malicious code on this website. This is a case of a company or person exploiting an ad network. Forum owners are doing their best to block these malicious ads that the ad network is failing to stop/screen properly.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I just received it again and pm'ed you...

One of the banner networks on your site is automatically launching a pop up window for fake virus warnings that attempt to get me to install bogus software.
I'm not sure which of your banner networks is doing it, but the most recent incident tried to open the following URL:
And this is the message it gave me in a pop up ad
"Warning! Your computer contains various signes of viruses and malware programs presence. Your system requires immediate anti viruses check! Security will perform a quick and free scanning of your PC for viruses and malicious programs"

This has now happened to me twice and I have had to shut down your site so as not to get a virus.

Hope the site helps you identify the banner network!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Security issue?

The last few times I've been on the FOTD board, I keep getting this popup from my antivirus program saying it's a phishing scam or that my identity can be stolen. It redirects me from Specktra and then the popup shows up. It only happens on Specktra so just wanted to let you ladies know if you don't have something for it.


Well-known member
it just happened to me as it's not all gone yet.

also, as soon as you see the ad come up, go to task manager and end the task (it will be a bunch of letters and numbers). DO NOT click on it...

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