West Virginia Torture Case


Well-known member
These people, I use the term lightly, are dangerous sociopaths, I hope they throw the book at them. This crime is sadistic and unusually cruel, and since it was a hate crime they should get hefty sentences.

Violent/deviant behavior by women doesn't surprise me anymore. I predict it will become much more common in the future, unfortunately. The parent child combos still get to me though.


Well-known member
my heart goes to the poor victim. i hope these people get totrtured the exact same way that they have been torturing her. please keep me updated on the case.


Well-known member
This is just sickening to hear about. No one should be treated that way. It makes me wonder how these people were raised to be so ruthless and cruel.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I suspect women are more capable of abuse and torture than people believe. For instance, I know men are even less likely to report being abused by their girlfriends/wives than a woman about her boyfriend/husband.

As for this particular, I wish we could take these people out into the woods, shoot them just enough so that they're going to die but not enough that's immediate or that knocks them unconscious and let them sit in agonizing pain until they're dead.

I just don't understand how people do this. I feel guilty enough about little things that aren't right, let alone horrible things like that.


Well-known member
I feel like throwing up after reading this, and I'm not kidding, POOR WOMAN! oh my god! my heart is with her right now.
About the other things, cause they are not even people to me.. people feel, and obviously they don't have ANY feelings, I just hope they burn in hell.


Well-known member
OMFG. That is horrible.


Well-known member
I suspect women are more capable of abuse and torture than people believe. QUOTE]

This is what I was interested in discussing. I completely agree. I have found this to be true in my own line of work as well as when I watch those MSNBC Women on Death Row type things. I find it interesting that very few women on those shows (and in my work) will admit guilt.

This seriously reminds me of all the Saw/Hostel torture movies that are so popular right now. I'm a huge fan of 70s horror and ludicrous zombie/slasher flicks but this stuff today really disturbs me. I guess I am just getting old!


Well-known member
I saw online that one of the investigators suspects the victim used to date one of the guys arrested---and it was the ringleader, at that. Supposedly, the police had been called out for a disturbance while they were seeing each other before. I think this is why they're not trying to pursue it as a hate crime. But, what in holy hell was really going on? That poor girl....


Well-known member
Human beings are capable of some seriously evil shit. Thankfully, most of us never realize our potential for harming others, but then there's people like THAT.

So, the woman's alive? She'll need years of therapy, and she'll probably never feel safe again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
As for this particular, I wish we could take these people out into the woods, shoot them just enough so that they're going to die but not enough that's immediate or that knocks them unconscious and let them sit in agonizing pain until they're dead.

I just don't understand how people do this. I feel guilty enough about little things that aren't right, let alone horrible things like that.

I am SO with you on both of these statements. I think people like this are totally without the possibility of redemption and a danger to the rest of us. And should be put down with a bullet between the eyes.

Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I find it interesting that very few women on those shows (and in my work) will admit guilt.

This seriously reminds me of all the Saw/Hostel torture movies that are so popular right now. I'm a huge fan of 70s horror and ludicrous zombie/slasher flicks but this stuff today really disturbs me. I guess I am just getting old!

I was just thinking today that Mary Winkler (the one who shot her husband in the back then ripped the phone from the wall so he couldn't call for help) is doing the thing where she avoids admitting guilt by interesting turns of phrase. In particular calling her cold blooded murder of her husband a "tragic event." It just struck me as so odd and detached.

And don't even get me started on torture porn. A couple of weeks ago, several of the Entertainment Weekly movie staff decided they weren't going to review the stuff anymore because they are so disturbed by the trend.


Well-known member
people are sick. to abduct someone and force them to do horrible things like that is just sick. They all have a mental problem. I don't know what else could possess someone to do stuff like that. Thats deranged.

Hopefully they'll be in jail for awhile. I feel sorry for the victim...its crazy to know that there are people out there who will do all kinds of twisted shit to you....for absolutely no reason except for their sick pleasure.

god bless the victim


Well-known member
This is beyond disturbing. Reading this, I thought it was something like the plotline to a remake of 'Last House on the Left' or something. Truly, truly disturbing, and it takes ALOT to disturb me in this day and age.

There will never be justice for this woman, which is the sickest part. There is nothing anyone can do to take away the pain which I'm sure she's constantly in.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
This is what I was interested in discussing. I completely agree. I have found this to be true in my own line of work as well as when I watch those MSNBC Women on Death Row type things. I find it interesting that very few women on those shows (and in my work) will admit guilt.

Well, it's not as bad as rape and that kind of assault, but look at the hell high school and middle school girls put each other through. The psychological games that the mean girl types play. They don't see anything wrong with what they're doing, either, and in fact, some of them think the victim deserves that treatment. It isn't too much of a stretch to see that females are capable of doing much worse than that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
my heart goes to the poor victim. i hope these people get totrtured the exact same way that they have been torturing her. please keep me updated on the case.

And eye for an eye, hm? I'm glad I don't live in such a society that condones this.

What they did is absolutely horrible, the poor victim! I wonder if she can ever recover from that? Despicable.


Well-known member
Misschievous, we know that that is not going to happen to them they will probably be jailed then released. But about what i said if thats what is going to happen to them they will exactly feel how she felt when they were torturing her. they can live in the humiliation that they made her live in.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The sad thing is they're probably proud of it and there are racists in the US who will write them, praising their actions.


Well-known member
I think both sexes are equally capable of violence. It's just that women are now more likely to be punished and held accountable for their violent acts, as they should. This probably accounts for the "increase" in violent female offenders. Whereas in the past it was explained away as they were being "led astray" by the men involved, or some other similar bs.


Well-known member
Those f*cking white trash hilbillies need to hang!!

That poor woman, hopefully she is able to get her life back together after such a horrible incident! She will be in my thoughts & prayers.