What are you studying or did study?


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I'm currently entering my second year of a Bachelor in Public Relations at MSVU. I absolutely love my program.


Active member
Im about to enter my first year as a pre-vet student as daunting as it seems I cant see myself doing anything else.


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Graduated in 2006 with Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. Love my job and thinking of studying for the Fundamental Exam or maybe not. LOL


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I have a BS in Public Law and Government and a JD. I am in the process of starting my own law office and I will be taking Spanish classes in the fall

Good luck in law school Monter!


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Originally Posted by Willa
Omg, I'm sorry I didnt mean that saying that you wanted to belittle anyone in here

It's just that I always feel small in front of anybody who had a lot of education
I didnt... in my family education wasnt really something we talked about

I guess it's a weekness for me... but it's all in my mind because I ended up having my home, and all that I needed

After highschool, I did some college but didnt like the classes I took (home design), the school was too far... Lots of things made that I ended up being a secretary. I make good money, but I'm really planning on becoming a professionnal make up artist... One day, one day

Honestly, don't feel pressure because you do not have postsecondary education (that I know of any way). You're doing something that you're comfortable with and in the end, even the people who are/had went to school make this their goal. People just get to the goal differently

I am attending the University of Central Florida as an Advertising/Public Relations major. My short-term goal is to help design magazine ads for major fashion designers. But my long-term goal is entirely different from that: I want to be an advertising coordinator/director for Truth (anti-smoking group). There are actually pretty heavy reasons behind that particular career choice. But I'm getting there! I'n the fall I start my core courses, I'm so excited! =]


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I have a BS in Finance and Banking, and a JD. I am currently in private practice in a small law office. I'm seriously thinking about learning several languages next, the first being Spanish.

There are a lot of lawyers or lawyers-to-be on here!!


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I'm a freshmen and I'm studying Human services/psychology.

I plan on getting a Ph.D or masters in psychology and specializing in sex therapy or marriage & family counseling.


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Finished by BS coursework in Journalism/PR on Friday. Graduating officially by July. I've done previous work at newspapers but did not enjoy it.


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I am currently in the nursing program.. and in 2 years, ill get my BSN. My original plan is to do pre-med.. but I realized that nursing would be a good pre-med course since nurses (most nurses Ive seen) really care for their patient and they establish a relationship with them.

I want to be a doctor who doesn't just go in a patient's rooom, look at the patient, prescribe medications and that's it (not saying all doctors are like that).

If I plan to not continue study to become a doctor (since it's hella long lol), I plan on going back to school after I graduate for Fine Arts/Photography/Interior Design.


Then ill save up a lot so when I retire, I can just go travel the world and meet different people!


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Originally Posted by meker
Graduated in 2006 with Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. Love my job and thinking of studying for the Fundamental Exam or maybe not. LOL

This is what my DH is doing right now. He just graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering and also in Computer Science. He loves his field.
He wasn't sure he wanted to take the FE, but he started to study for it, so I'm pretty sure he is going to take it.

I just graduated with my undergrad BA in Art History, with a focus on Medieval Italian Art History and wrote my undergraduate thesis on Giotto and his Arena Chapel frescoes. I'm continuing my education currently in a masters program with sights on getting my PhD. I don't know where I want to study for my PhD, but I know there are some amazing Universities out there for Art History. My main goal is to become a Museum Curator for Medieval Art History. Right now I'm looking at working as a MUA while going through graduate school. I'm also modeling, which so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.


Active member
I don't know what i want to do or what is my "calling"?? (If you want to call it that). I do have lot of degrees up my sleeves and I am bascially doing nothing and just sitting at home which make me really mad.

Here goes my degree collection

Bachelors in Microbiology
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (part-time), I have to that was complete waste of money
. I am certainly not into programming (yukk).
Masters in Applied Microbiology
Masters in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

And after all this when i started looking for jobs, They told me that i need experiance. Hellooo.. you need to give me a job first to get an experiance. I was bloody pissed off. Either i am over qualified or under qualified


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just graduated this February with a BComm majoring in accounting. I'm good at accounting but struggle with me feeling fulfilled in the long term. So I'm taking a bit of time to just work.

I will begin working on a designation, but it may be either CFP (financial planning) and the required designations to be able to fully plan for clients OR it'd be a CMA accounting designation. Hope to make a decision by the end of the year!


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graduated with a B.A. in Business Economics. hated most of my classes. wish i didn't choose this major and went straight into makeup. makeup is my true passion.


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I have a B.S. in Applied Studies (Business/Humanities). I loved this program, because the humanities really offset some of the more strenuous courses, like business calculus. I really really loved the humanities portion. Loved it so much, I graduated Suma Cum Laude. I'm considering going for my MBA, but am not sure yet. Forgot to add that I'm going to take some french courses in the Fall.


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I am studying Exercise Science and minoring in Psychology. I plan on going into sports therapy.


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Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I have a BS in Finance and Banking, and a JD. I am currently in private practice in a small law office. I'm seriously thinking about learning several languages next, the first being Spanish.

There are a lot of lawyers or lawyers-to-be on here!!

It's pretty exciting! Yay law!

I wish I'd learned Spanish instead of French in undergrad. I love French - the language, culture, everything - but it's not doing me so good here in Chicago.
If I have time when I'm done with law school, I'll probably try to learn Spanish and/or Polish.


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I'm finishing a Master in philosophy, and plan on completing it with law studies while i'll be applying for a journalism school in 2 years. I'm at the Sorbonne for now.


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im doing a bachelor of social work at the university of south australia... third year, 2 more to go...aiming to head into policy and politics


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I are going to york to major in humanities and minoring in communications. I want to get in advertising in an advertising firm. I didn't even start uni, so this is all blah blah.... I might change my mind I have no clue what to do with my life