What are your essential eye brushes?


Active member
My new years resolution is to try and get into eye make up more and i'm a great believer in needing the right tools for the job sooo...

What are your essential eye make up brushes and what job do you find them best for?

Thanks in advance x


Well-known member
Where oh where do I start?!?
Eye make up is my biggie so here is my list of brushes I use regularly...

252 - good for applying all over colour, lash line to brow kinda thing
239 - good for applying general lid colour
272 - good for applying lid/crease colour
219 - good for smudgy lining
224 - good for blending
217 - good for applying colour, applying prep&prime eye for a base
242 - good for applying colour and lining with shadow
228 - good for packing in small areas of colour
263 - my perfect fluidline brush

Big list?
I think so!
The ones I'd recommend starting with depend on the kinda thing you're doing. If you'll do a lot of fluidline like I do (every day!), I'd definitely get a 263. Then the ones I started with are the 239, 224, 217, 228, & 242. Ok, thats a lot but I really can't make my mind up!!!!
Most people go with a 239 and a 224/217, you can really do a lot with those ones!!!

Hope I've helped a bit and not confused you too much!


Active member
That is veryyyyy helpful!

I had the 209 and 213 brush before xmas and my lovely fiance bought me 219, 224 and 208 for xmas.

I asked for the 208 thinking it would be good for fluidlines (dunno why when it's a brow brush :confused: ) but it's just too thick so i think the 263 shall be next on my hitlist as you seem to like it so much

I think i need a general brush for applying colour too would be a good idea...

Anyway i went off on one then, thanks a lot


Well-known member
in MAC brushes, 224 for blending and 208 for lining.

but i use Loew-Cornell Maxine's Mop in 1/4 and 1/2 inch sizes for shadow application. they are much cheaper, and you can get them on sale in many places - Michael's Craft Stores carry them.