What are your favorite MAC products of 2010?


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Well, this has certainly been a momentous year for MAC and MAC fans. So many new products and formulas, so many unexpected colors, so much frenzy and hysteria!

We still have a little ways to go before the year's over, but it's not to early to start reminiscing over our favorite items from 2010.

For me it sort of breaks down to Most Beautiful vs. Most Used, with the overlapping ones being the all-around best. There were also the surprise favorites I never thought I'd use so much or love so much, but I did.

For me:

Surprise Favorites: Bi-Tone MB, Below Ground GPS, In the Buff n/p, Almost Noir PG, Truth & Light powder

Most Used: Bi-Tone MB, Dirty GPS, Rhapsody in Two MB, Fresh Salmon l/s, Marine Life, Soften the Mood MES trio

Most Beautiful: Undercurrent PG, Bold & Brash DTW l/g, Go For It l/s, BOA blush, Temperature Rising l/l, She Who Dares MES

All Around Winners: Gimme That! DTW l/g, Industrial PG, Nocturnal Superslick e/l, Flurry of Fun l/g, Bloodline pg

#1 Top Winner - for most use, most innovation, most beauty and most insanity goes to Marine Life, you glorious bitch!

Also just for fun, my top 5 lipstick shades (because lipstick is Serious Business):

  • Toxic Tale, Cunning, Liquid Lurex, Go For It, Jazzed


Well-known member
Ooh this is a fun one!

Surprise Favorites: Wicked Ways l/g, If It Sparkles p/m, So Rich So Pretty n/l, Bubblegum l/s, Rock Out! l/g.

Most Used: Later p/m, Go For It l/s, Marked for Glamous e/l, Azalea Blossom b/o.

Most Beautiful: Azalea Blossom b/o, Stacked 1! pigments, Oh So Fair b/p, Greengrease GPS, She Who Dares MES, Bite of an Apple p/b.

All Around Winners: Later p/m, Go For It l/s, Ban This! DTW l/g.

I can't pick one winner- too hard!

Top 5 Lipstick Shades: Dark Deed, Viva Glam Cyndi, Viva Glam Gaga, Bubblegum, Go For It.

Lots of repeats, but I swap anything I don't like, so these are all the true winners.

Also, this doesn't really fit, but I thought I would do my five disappointing products, aka biggest letdowns.

Top 5 Letdowns:
5. Bubbles l/s (I need to play with this one more)
4. Rose Maiden l/s
3. Shock-a-holic e/s
2. Riveting l/s
1. I Want Candy DGC

Great idea, liba!


Well-known member
ooo, I like the letdowns idea (even if I DO try so hard to be chipper, peppy and positive :p )

My letdowns - all stuff I actually bought:
Blooming Lovely l/s - I try and try but almost always feel like a clown with it.
Greengrease GPS - I wanted it to be deep but less blackened. It's pretty but the missed potential was huge for me and made me sad.
VG Gaga l/s - Same situation as Blooming Lovely, if not as extreme. Remind me to avoid colors with lots of chalky white tint to them.
Thrills l/s - It looked great in the store, but never again, somehow.
TTB Bronze Body Oil - Was almost invisible on NC15??? Plus it made me break out.

The good part is I had to think pretty hard to come up with an even five - almost everything I bought this year was a win!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by liba
ooo, I like the letdowns idea (even if I DO try so hard to be chipper, peppy and positive :p )

My letdowns - all stuff I actually bought:
Blooming Lovely l/s - I try and try but almost always feel like a clown with it.
Greengrease GPS - I wanted it to be deep but less blackened. It's pretty but the missed potential was huge for me and made me sad.
VG Gaga l/s - Same situation as Blooming Lovely, if not as extreme. Remind me to avoid colors with lots of chalky white tint to them.
Thrills l/s - It looked great in the store, but never again, somehow.
TTB Bronze Body Oil - Was almost invisible on NC15??? Plus it made me break out.

The good part is I had to think pretty hard to come up with an even five - almost everything I bought this year was a win!

it literally did not bronze. we were told that at update, that it would just add shimmer. so don't fret that it didn't show up on you, cuz it had no colour on anyone, which is sad for something called a bronzing oil.

i was impressed with all the face/cheek colours this year-RP, AB, ML, IC, P&P, TPC...

and for the eyes? i can't forget the GPSs and PGs!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
it literally did not bronze. we were told that at update, that it would just add shimmer. so don't fret that it didn't show up on you, cuz it had no colour on anyone, which is sad for something called a bronzing oil.

lol, even the shimmer didn't show up!


Well-known member
Coral Crepe Paint Pot is definitely on my favorites list.
Other favorites for the year-
Marine Life
Ripe Peach
Azalea Blossom
Liquid Lurex
Made to Order l/s (it is like the perfect lip color for me!)

Surprise Favorites-
Truth and Light MCP
Briar Rose

I don't really have any letdowns this year. I bought a lot of stuff and am really using most of it and loving it!


Well-known member
Surprise Favorites: Made To Order l/s, Viva Glam Cyndi l/s, Viva Glam Gaga l/s.

Most Used: Gazette Grey e/s, Instant Chic p/b, Viva Glam Cyndi l/s.

Most Beautiful: Mean and Green n/p, Formidable n/p, Bad Fairy n/p.

All Around Winners: Gazette Grey e/s, Instant Chic p/b

Top Winner: Instant Chic p/b

Top 3 Lipstick Shades: Made to Order, VG Gaga, VG Cyndi.

Hmm... looking back, I didn't really buy too much over the bulk of this year. The winter collections are really calling my name though, so this could change in the blink of an eye, lol!


Well-known member
Surprise Favorites: Devilishly Stylish l/g, Wildly Refined l/g, Jealous l/g,
Hipness blush, Prim & Proper blush, Shell Pearl BP

Most Used: Bubblegum l/s, Fresh Salmon l/s, Cha Cha l/g,

Most Beautiful: Undercurrent p/g, Designer Purple p/g, Easy Lounger l/g, Flurry of Fun l/g, Two Virtues MB

All Around Winners: Go For It l/s, Going Casual c/g, On The Scene c/g, Chillin c/g, Jazzed l/s, Stereo Rose MSF, Ripe Peach Blush Ombre

Top 5 Lipsticks:
Bubblegum l/s, Fresh Salmon l/s, Go For It l/s, Jazzed l/s, All Styled Up l/s


Well-known member
Wow I used to be able to identify all of these MAC names whenever someone would start the annual favorites thread.. and now I can't figure out any of them! I've been off MAC for a while because I reached a point where nothing excites me anymore and I felt like I had enough makeup to last me a lifetime :p

But I'm back now! =D and I have some favorites from ITG and FF..

- All Styled Up l/s (love it! wearing it right now)
- Happy Together MB
- Wildly Refined l/g
- Marked for Glamour superslick liner
- Stereo Rose MSF

I am so sad that I missed out on the blush ombres and the greasepaint sticks that came out earlier this year </3


Well-known member
Surprise Favorites: Devil blush (on my NC15 skin!), feeling dreamy lipglass

Most Used: penultimate brow liner, showstopper e/s, bloodline pigment

Most Beautiful: hang loose MB, by candelight MSF, lithe pigment, universal mix pigment

All Around Winners: bloodline pigment, hang loose MB

Most disappointing: Ripe peach ombre (its nice, but i dont think worth all the raving)

Hard to think what came out this year!!


Well-known member
Surprise Favorites: Revenge is Sweet l/g

Most Used: Bite of an Apple blush

Most Beautiful: Hot House l/g

Can you tell VV was my first collection? I have a few other favorites but they weren't out of collection or even from 2010. I'm trying to up my makeup game finally.


Well-known member
My top favourites and I use them frequently

Briar Rose beauty powder
Get-Away Bronze blush
Ever Hip l/s
Viva Glam Gaga l/s
Viva Glam Cyndi l/g


Well-known member
MAC did release some amazing products these year

My absolutely favorite products of 2010 were: ALL Pearlglides, ALL GPS and ALL Superslick e/l

(I'm sorry but if I love a product that much, I cannot choose between colors


Well-known member
This was my first year really paying attention to collections starting with TTB! Before that I was more of a mac dabbler and now I'm a full blown addict.

I know I'll probably forget stuff but my favorites were:

Thrills l/s!!
In the Buff n/p
Antique Green (a repromote I know but I just discovered it around FF time)
Sassy Grass e/s
Viva Glam Cyndi l/g!!
Treat Me Nice liner
BoA Blush


Well-known member
good post!

Surprise Favorites:
Get Away Bronze Blush, because I can use it as a bronzer instead of a blush. It is not too red or orange.
Leopard Luxe quad. When I first got it, i was like ugh. Once I started to use colors like red brick and rule with it, I was like HAYYYY!
Dark Deed cause its nicer than similar MAC colors like this. Shows up and feels perfect!
True Babe and Loud and Lovely in your face pink. Love them!

Most Used: Cunning Lipstick, Coral Crepe paint pot

Most Beautiful: Bite of an Apple Blush, Coral Crepe paint pot, Cunning Lipstick, Sassy Grass e/s, uniformly Blue GPS, Louder Please

All Around Winners: Cunning lipstick. 130 brush

My #1s are Bite of an Apple Blush and Cunning lipstick.

This year, I brought more MAC than any other year. Found a love for perms such as Red Brick, Peachtwist, pro blush Burnt Pepper,


Well-known member
Surprise Favorites: Bloodline p/m, Stereo Rose msf

Most Used: Bloodline p/m

Most Beautiful
She Who Dares mes, Mean and Green n/p, Designer Purple and Industrial p/g

All Around Winners
: Bloodline and the p/g's all


Well-known member
For me: (these were just my spontaneous answers, without pondering too much)

Surprise Favorites: Buddy Up and Pet Me Please MB, Kittenish Lippy, Fresh Salmon lippy, OSF and HOD BPs from VV, Temperature Rising (who knew orange was so wearable?!)

Most Used: Shell Pearl BP, Buddy Up MB, Eyeliners Marked for Glamour and Defiantly Feline

Most Beautiful: Blooming Lovely, Go For It l/s, BOA blush, Flurry of Fun, Spring colour forecast Purple quad, Marine Life, Kittenish Lippy, Liquid Lurex

Also just for fun, my top 5 lipstick shades (because lipstick is Serious Business):

  • Thrills, VG Cindi, Liquid Lurex, Go For It, Fresh Salmon
Disappointments: My only disappointment really is that I am not rich enough to buy everything. Srsly


Well-known member
ooh this thread is fun!

Surprise Favorites: Instant Chic blush, Lazy Day l/s, Marine Life, Pet me blush, Undercurrent p/g

Most Used: Lazy Day, Marine Life, Sassy Grass

Most Beautiful: Undercurrent p/g, Designer Purple p/g, Sassy Grass, Blooming Lovely, Gimme That and Bold&brash gloss

All Around Winners: Marine Life, Sassy Grass, Lazy Day l/s

Top 5 Lipsticks:
Lazy Day, Blooming Lovely, Heartless, Toxic Tale, Warm me up


Well-known member
My favourites for 2010 would have to be:

Viva Glam Cyndi (lipstick and lipglass)
Strange Potion lipglass
Fold and Tuck lipglass (i am now into corals!)
High Perennial Style lipglass
Going Bananas eyeshadow (yay for repromotes)
Coral Crepe paint pot

The products that i wish would work for me but unfortunately they are a disappointment:

Viva Glam Gaga (lipstick and lipglass)
Dare to wear lipglasses ( too sparkly)
Superglass collection
Jazzed lipstick (too much hype and i think it looks horrible on me)