what are your thoughts on lapdancing?


Well-known member
i just wonder because im a lap/pole dancer

before i got into it i imagined it was sleazy but i actually really enjoy it,and i dont feel degraded or like a piece of meat.

i actually feel very empowered that guys spend hundreds on me a night.

but i actually work in a gentlemans club where you where you have to wear a long dress... and only strip in a private room, with a divider inbetween you...

i get £20 for a 3 minute dance.. which is about 3/4 hours wages on average in the uk!

if they want more time...i get £50 for 15 minutes, £100 for 30 minutes and £200 for 1 hour.

im earning at least £450 a week...thats a bad week!
(think of all the mac i can buy...haha!)

half the time customers dont even wanna see you naked...just want a chat.

and surpisingly its normal guys...not pervy guys...

and even tho its naked its not legs spread...

anyway just wondered what you thought even if its negative id like to hear!

by the way there is NO extras...id never even go there!


Well-known member
I have great respect for people who can get up there and do that kind of stuff; and not become greedy wanting the 'extras'. To me being a lap dancer is just another form of entertainer; which is exactly what it is. I know I've gone with my boyfriend to the strip/gentleman's clubs for a nice of watching beautiful ladies do some amazing things. A naked or half-naked person is just that. A person. People shy away from lap dancers and strippers because they think it's perverted and not classy. But as you mentioned you are partitioned off (and you have enough sense to not go the extra mile). If you enjoy it, feel good about yourself then continue doing it because. a) it's good exercise b) a can be very healthy lifestyle. c) you make good money.


Well-known member
Lapdancing in the US is TOTALLY different than the one you do in the UK...but as long as you're comfortable with it, then why not?


Well-known member
yeah ive heard in the US you can do light touching
and you get a lot of porn mogul's in the clubs scouting for girls?
i might be wrong tho?

i was considering doin it in miami for a few months?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
If you enjoy it, feel good about yourself then continue doing it because. a) it's good exercise b) a can be very healthy lifestyle. c) you make good money.

omg im so fit from the pole... im getting arms from madonna!haha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
yeah ive heard in the US you can do light touching
and you get a lot of porn mogul's in the clubs scouting for girls?
i might be wrong tho?

i was considering doin it in miami for a few months?

You can do a lot more than just light touching here...there are clubs where full contact is allowed...so make sure you check with club management to see what is expected of you. You also want to stick to the "higher-class" clubs (here in Miami, Gold Rush is one of them), but even then, you might encounter some pretty sleazy people....


Well-known member
What do I think?
As long as she's attractive, has all her teeth, and isn't cracked out of her brain, I'll buy one.


Well-known member
i want to thank you both but my thx button isnt working...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What do I think?
As long as she's attractive, has all her teeth, and isn't cracked out of her brain, I'll buy one.

you know what im amazed how clean the club is
i thought there'd be girls sniffing coke in the toilets every few minutes
obv theres a few but 95% of the girls dont
and if you got caught youd be sacked on the spot.
not worth the risk!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think if you know what you're getting into, are doing it by choice, treated well, and don't have any illusions, it's fine.

It's nothing I'd want to do to earn money, but people do lots of things I wouldn't want to do to earn money.


Well-known member
mmmm you're in a much better atmosphere than lots of strip clubs are here in TX. There are good clubs (The Lodge) and there are shitty clubs (Fare) and there are all kinds of clubs in between.

I do know, the next stripper who bites my ladyparts is going to be kicked, I'll just say that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I do know, the next stripper who bites my ladyparts is going to be kicked, I'll just say that.


There is a story behind this... Share please =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

There is a story behind this... Share please =P

Remind me to share it tonight, I'm in the middle of painting. But yes, there IS a story, and it's moderately amusing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I do know, the next stripper who bites my ladyparts is going to be kicked, I'll just say that.

SHIMMER, OHYMYGOD, I am dying to know the story behind this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
mmmm you're in a much better atmosphere than lots of strip clubs are here in TX. There are good clubs (The Lodge) and there are shitty clubs (Fare) and there are all kinds of clubs in between.

I do know, the next stripper who bites my ladyparts is going to be kicked, I'll just say that.

Me too! I want to know that story!!

As for the answer to the post, I think whatever works for you is fine. Far too many people judge one another, when they just need to mind their own damn business. If you are happy doing that then no one else needs to chime in their two cents to tell you differently (I'm talking in everyday life, I know that you asked for different opinions here on this post). I'm sure the money rocks!!


Well-known member
Last year, I went out with a friend of mine, my brother, and his best friend. We went to one of the clubs here in DFW, brother's friend met up with us there (he died shortly after, RIP Tommy...you're still missed more than you know...) and we go in.
This club was crap. But, whatever. They're dancers. They've got boobies. They're shaking their boobies, and they're six feet away from me. Cool.
Six feet hides a LOT, just so y'all know. A LOT. Like...a whole lot. Plus being sorta dark and (at the time) a little smokey (plus the fog machine...). These dancers were the ones that, up on stage, six feet away, in the dark and the fog, you would be like...oh...you're cute...ok. Then, when they'd start working the floor and get up close to you you'd be like OH MY GOD.

I digress.
One of the dancers was on stage, doing her thing, and was the epitome of the type I just described.
Anyway, brother, friend, and Tommy are all drinking (I don't drink very often, if at all) and ordering rounds. We're sitting at one of the little tables when...lets call her Miss Thang...came stumbling over. We had JUST gotten our next round when she hit the table. Literally. Hit the table.
Beer spilled allllll down my lap and my legs.

I'm a very mellow person (despite evidence to the contrary on site) about stuff like that and will generally NOT throw a hissy fit, so I told her "Hey, no worries, snag a waitress so I can get some napkins to blot this stuff off my jeans..."

Oh no.
Miss Thang had other ideas. Miss Thang gets down on her knees and licks up my legs (both legs) and like...hoovers the fucking beer off me, and then, on her way standing back up, bites my girlybits. This all happened in the space of about....7 seconds, no bullshit.

I'm hard to shock, I don't embarrass easily at all, but I had nothing to say other than...OH MY GOD SHE USED ALL FOUR OF HER TEETH TO BITE MY LABIA!

My friend, Tommy, and my brother were laughing their asses off at me because I was just standing there...shocked.

So...we leave that sleazejoint, and go to the next club.
THIS time the girls are fucking hot. Well, the ones who they allow on stage are. The ones who are hidden in the dark...well...they weren't even up to my brother's standards, and he's pretty lax (Pulse? Check. Vagina? Check. Legal or close to it? Check. Cool.).
Friend and I decide to go see one of the dancers who was oh. my. smoking hot. Go to the stage, friend tips dancer, gets a kiss, I tip dancer, get a kiss as well, and SHE GRABBED MY LADYBITS...after they'd already been assaulted by MissThang at the previous place.

I didn't mind the hot chick's roaming hands, but toothless Miss Thang? Yeah, I was rather bitter about that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What do I think?
As long as she's attractive, has all her teeth, and isn't cracked out of her brain, I'll buy one.

word, shim...word.

you know, my friend and i always swore that when we moved out we'd get a pole for our house because it really is good exercise. and i think that pole dancing requires a healthy self esteem and a good body image, which in my opinion is extremely important. low self esteem is no bueno, so anything that boosts it is fine by me.
and if it's making you good money, all the more reason to do it haha! hell if i had the looks and the body for it, i'd do it.

i don't think it's anyone's place to judge it or anyone who does it because honestly, it's your life and as long as you like it and you're comfortable doing it, go for it!


Well-known member
having recently tried pole dancing on a hens night (we booked a class), i can say that i have a whole new respect for the fitness level required... and i am going to be signing up for a pole dancing class to get fit!

personally, i don't think i could do it professionally.