What colors are these?


Well-known member
This eyeshadow:

This eyeliner:



Thank you so much to anyone who has recs!!


Well-known member
1. Woodwinked
2. Minted Eye Kohl
3. Samoa Silk/Violet Pigment & Deep Purple Pigment
4. Knight Divine, maybe a tad of Soft Brown in the crease and maybe a lil of Crystal Avalanche to HL

HTH!!! =)


Well-known member
The only pix I can comment on is the one with the two girls- first one looks like Softbrown, and the second looks like violet pigment with sketch on outer eye and crease. I'm still working on my MAC collection and thoes are the only colors that I have that look similar...lol.


Well-known member
the first one espresso maybe? or bateau
the second...so there jade eye kohl
samoa silk on the next one and i duno what for the rest! hope this helped a little


Well-known member
Woodwinked/Mulch for the first one. #2, not exact but Aqualine will give you the same effect. The eyeshadow with the black liner looks like cork to me... the new technacolor purple shadow or cornflower inners with sketch on the outters on the next one... aaaaayyynnnd fiction with mystery.


Well-known member
I agree with the above posters:

1. Mulch
2. Aqualine
3. Samoa Silk
4. Violet pigment with Sketch


Well-known member
First one is def not like Woodwinked at all, Woodwinked is much more golden and more yellow. I'd say it's closest to Mulch and Espresso.

The last one looks like Knight Divine for the grey, and Shroom to blend out.


Well-known member
I have woodwinked and I didn't think it was similar either! Thank SO much everyone! I just got a Violet pigment sample and I'm getting Mulch next MAC visit :]