What do you do with Naked pigment?


Well-known member
I have absolutely no idea how to use it. It doesn't do anything except make my skin glittery. It doesn't even work as a highlighter on me.

How do you use it?


Well-known member
you can use it wet as a wash of colour on the lids. if you use a good base you will get a touch more colour payoff.


Well-known member
I like to pack it on with a flat brush on my lid with a neutral crease/outer corner colour. It's definitely part of my "no-makeup" look -- and a bit of oomph with its little bit of sparkliness.


Well-known member
I use it in a bunch of different ways. It's very similar to my skin color, but very, very slightly lighter (possibly due to the concentration of shimmer).

  • If I know I'm going to be somewhere in the daytime with really bright, clear lighting, I like to use it as a natural lid color along with dark liner and lots of mascara. Since it's so close to my skin, it's a nice natural MLidsBB look.
  • Another day look... I often apply it lightly over peach or skintone shadows for extra punch, or if I use a peach or skintone shadow I will put it on my tearducts and under my brow. Subtle, but again, nice for a simple "day" look because it has lots of shimmer.
  • If I'm going for a look that is lighter near the tear ducts and darker on the outer corners, I will often use Naked for the shade closest to my tear ducts. For instance, I might use Naked, then Paradisco in the middle, with a grey in the outer corner and a touch of black in the outer V.
  • I occasionally use it to blend out shadows or to dull colors I've put on that look too intense.

Don't underestimate how great this shadow looks in the sun!