What eyeshadow is she wearing??

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I was watching The City online tonight and absolutely loved this girl's eye make up. The picture isn't that great though. I had to take a screen shot of the video. Lol. I thought at first that it might be Bronze, but Bronze isnt that dark, I dont think. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. TIA!



Well-known member
Tempting? It also looks like she's got a black blended in the crease and along the lashline which is going to make it look darker.


Well-known member
Black Ore Solar bits come to mind. :\

But yeah Tempting with Carbon and Ebark could work too I guess.


Active member
Possibly Tempting or Bronze (like your suggested) with a DARK base underneath (ex. MAC's Blackground paint pot) with possibly Carbon or Black-Tied blended in.

hth =)


Well-known member
I agree. I looks like a black base like sharkskin shadestick or black ground paint pot with tempting on top and carbon in the crease