What food do you dislike?


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Title explains everything

We all have certain food we just can't stand eating
What's yours?

As for me, I just can't eat anything squishy
As much as I love the taste of mushroom, I can't eat it if it's not passed throught the blender, like in a cream of mushroom.

Mussels, oysters, octopus...

Any red meat
It has to be very well cooked, or I can't eat it
Giblets, from any animals
Rabbit... horse. Not for me

My big problem is that my boyfriend is french (from France) and his dad ALWAYS cooks french meals, wich includes all of the previous...


Well-known member

And I hate Canned , Processed, or Artificial kind of foods like
Canned soup
Hot dogs
Frozen foods (unless it was freshly made and then frozen)
TV dinners
Food made to appeal to children (stuff with artificial colors and a lot of sugar)


Well-known member
I am the pickiest eater that you may ever meet! I truly dislike most foods, but I really hate mushrooms, processed meats and blueberries. I can't stand the taste of mushrooms and as much as I love the taste of blueberries; they make me throw up!


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Sour Pickles
Cooked Carrots

I don't hate Mac n Cheeze I just dislike it a lot...But I love pasta and I love cheese just seperate from each other

I don't dislike chocolate..However I don't eat it either


Well-known member
tripe from menudo
mushrooms ( how could someone eat fungus ??)
cooked cabbage


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Yeah... liver...
The other day when my bf's father made rabbit, they made me taste the liver


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Yeah... liver...
The other day when my bf's father made rabbit, they made me taste the liver

ewww lol


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Rabbit Liver...I think I just vomitted a little in my throat...and I am not sure why because I LOVE Calf liver and onions...But I am weird like that!! So strange that I am anemic too as much of that stuff as I eat....I guess my dh and I were meant to be he loves Liver too...lol


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I dislike most meat except for the ocassional steak (and that has to be well cooked and lean). I will sometimes eat chicken but I have to know who cooked it. Strange I know. I also don't like eggs, mushrooms, and tomatoes.


Well-known member
im SO picky.

No seafood/fish of any kind.
No veal.
No rabbit
No lamb
No duck

No weird body parts (ie liver or kidneys, knuckles)

no cheesecake of any kind
no nuts
no eggs

Edited to add: Horse meat. I can;t eat animals i love basically. So no deer or moose either.
I dont like mushrooms either.
Processed cheese
cottage cheese
Pea soup

And the sight of bloody "raw" or "blue" beer makes me what to vomit. I like my meat well done.

I know im picky though. Until recently i didnt eat cheese at all (except on pizza). I do know someone even weirder than me though. He didn't eat anything white for the reason taht it was gross!! no oreo centers. no vanilla cake. no mayo. NOTHING!!! weirdddoo!

Also, i cant have my foods touching on my plate.I know its very bizarre. I try to use french fries as a defense against sauces. I mean, i won;t ditch my plate of my mash touches the banger, but i won't be pleased.


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I absolutely HATE onions. Things I dislike are eggs, milk, raw sushi, squash, bell peppers, and any type of meat that involves parts of an animal I'm not used too.


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I am so picky there's so much I dislike. Be prepared for the huge list:

- Seafood (including freshwater fish)
- some vegetables (like peas, cauliflower, turnip etc)
- Beans
- Mushrooms
- Cream corn (I think that's what it's called. Mushy corn is what I call it.)
- Cereal with milk (the milk makes the cereal go soft, which I hate. I will eat dry cereal though and drink milk separately.)
- Blanched Almonds (for some reason I find these absolutely disgusting)
- Processed cheese
- Cottage cheese
- Apple juice (but I like apples)
- Eggs
- Honeydew and Cantaloupe (There's one I don't mind and one I hate. I don't remember which is which.)
- Mustard
- Mayonnaise
- Any artificial grape or cherry flavours (I love actual grapes and cherries) Artificial grape is especially bad

- I don't really care for pasta (though it's not too bad, if I had to eat it I could)
- I don't know if this counts, but I hate putting butter on my bread
- Any organs (just the thought is disgusting)
- Veal
- I also don't eat a lot of red meat (I love steak though)

There's probably more...

I think I've lost my appetite now haha.


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I hate creamed corn and liver. I also really really dislike artificial banana flavoring unless they are the banana runts!


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Eggs, banana & cottage cheese. YUCK. The smell of eggs make me want to throw up.

I also will not eat fruit if it's been cooked, blech.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
All melons
Processed meats
All fish and seafood
Brussel sprouts
BBQ chips
Blue and cottage cheeses
Macademia nuts
Ground beef
Baked potatoes
I could go on and on..


Well-known member
I don't like fish and seafood of any kind
but I love shrimp and lobster.
Liver, goat and chicken on a bone.
But live hot wings lol.


Well-known member
not a fan of beef..
onions and tomatos
cheese, well.. i can deal with it but when
a burger or something has too much on it.. gross
same with butter
and i definatly agree with zantedge
artificial grape is a no-no

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Oh..I have lots!

- Seafood (I don't like anything that comes from the water - no lobster, crab, fish...nothing)
- asparagus, mushrooms, creamed corn (looks like vomit), beets, turnip
- Processed cheese slices, cottage cheese (again looks like vomit), cheese whiz
- raisins but I love grapes
- prunes but I love plums
- Peaches (remind me of a BAD Peach Schnappes fiasco when I was only 15...the smell of peaches still makes me want to throw up)
- no organs of any kind or weird meat like tongue...YUCK
- Veal (can't stand the thought of a baby cow)
- rabbit, goat haven't tried them but the thought alone disgusts me!
- tapioca pudding (again with the vomit look)

I'm sure there's more but I started to feel green just compiling this list!!