What is my mac shade?


New User
Ok, Im 12. I don't want to know this so I can buy mac, it's just that it will help me buy like concealer since I have a hard time finding a shade. So based on my profile, what is my mac shade? And btw, on my picture Im only wearing lipstick,mascara and undereye concealer. Edit: Pleasee help Im really lost
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Staff member
It's important to note that MAC shades are not consistent from range to range, whether it's foundation or concealer. Some ranges run darker than others. Some NCs run more yellow in various ranges than others, and some NWs run pinker in other ranges than others. This is especially true with light and medium shades.

What concealer are you using now, and in what shade?
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Staff member
So it's a bit too pink for you?

In that case, you would be somewhere on the NC side in MAC stuff, probably a 30 or 35 in general. I say NC instead of NW because most makeup brands equate pink undertones as cool and yellow undertones as warm. MAC does the opposite, and their method is based on the colour wheel -- pink is warmer than yellow.