What is the best hydrating & moisturizing shampoo & cond.


Well-known member
My all time favorite shampoo and conditioner is Rusk Calm. It never seems to weigh my hair down, and always leaves it shiny and soft no matter what horrible things I do to it. That said, I think it really depends on each person. I know some people that hate Rusk. I think you just need to find something that works for your hairtype and stick with it. As for maintenance, I cannot stress the importance of regular trims. Even if you are trying to grow your hair out, it needs to be trimmed slightly every six to eight weeks to maintain its health.


Well-known member
Keep off coloring, don't overwash (wash 2-3 times week), get trims every 4-6 weeks, and don't heat style too much. Though I can't help myself changing hair colors and straightening, I laid off for a while and dyed my hair back to orig. color it looked sooo healthy, shiny, and actually looked longer..lol, it really worked for me.


Well-known member
Make sure to get Plenty of Protein in your diet! Healthy hair comes from the Inside.
Also I can recommend some shampoos NOT to purchase.
Paul Mitchell -Anything. they have a lot of "gunk" in them
and Bed Head.. That stuff is OK .. not the greatest
I use MATRIX, and i love it

Keep it trimmed every 6 weeks to get rid of split ends which makes it look healthy..
( and dont believe the Myth that trimming your hair often makes it grow faster. its a Lie, Its impossible,your scalp doesn't know whats going on at the ends of your hair)


Well-known member
Like the others have said, trim trim trim! Your hair will look so healthy without split ends! Take it easy on the heat styling. Also, you know those days where you might not even leave the house? Don't bother with your hair! Don't style it, give it a teeny break.
Be gentle with it.don't have to rake that knot out!
Please don't brush your hair when its wet. Gently detangle with a wide toothed comb.


Active member
well, iv been using John Frieda's moisturizing shampoo from the Brilliant Brunette line, and it worked.. i use it with the shine release conditioner from the same line, they both smell divine, and work perfectly..
the shampoo maybe a bit too thick for some ppl, due to its very creamy texture, but my hair is what u can call dry, so this shampoo was heaven


Well-known member
I use Pureology Hydrate Shampoo & Conditioner. I've been using it for years and my hair is always shiny and healthy!! Never frizzy. I had dry and damaged hair for the longest time. After using this for about a month or two it become more managable, silky and healthy. I LOVE it! It's a little expensive but for me it's totally worth it! My hair is really important to me!


Well-known member
Any of the Kerastase products good for dry hair? I've heard mixed reviews that they are all hype and overcharge too.


Since I live in Germany, it's quite senseless to give you product tips. But it helped my hair a lot to use products without silicones and with natural ingredients. There's a big discussion going on in German beauty forums concerning the impacts of silicones. I also stopped dyeing my hair with conventional colours and switched to Henna.


Active member
I use Redken's All Soft to make my hair super shiny and soft. They also have other kinds of shampoo for brittle hair and what not.


Active member

I use Kerastase and I absolutely love it. I've got quite dry hair from colouring my hair bright red and Bain Satin 3 is one of the most moisturising shampoos I've ever used. Age Recharge is a must have for coloured, damaged hair.

If you're not sure you want to spend the cash on the whole range, buy yourself a course of Forceintense. It's great stuff, makes a real difference


Well-known member
I use Bumble and Bumble shampoo, conditioner and products...they aren't the most moisturizing, but I really love how they make my hair look. I love Redken Anti Snap for keeping my hair strong healthy and shiny. I also take biotin...seems to help my hair grow faster and stronger.
Like everyone else said, lay off coloring as long as you can and always use heat protection sprays/products when heat styling.


Well-known member
I've used Redken's All Soft and Clear Moisture, and both are pretty nice. I usually use drugstore brand Tresemme though. I like their one for dry/damaged hair, and also their color thrive since I colored my hair.


Well-known member
I've tried everything (bedhead, bumble&bumble, paul mitchell, aveda, frederick fekkai, and plenty more) and the best I've ever found is what I use now... Enjoy hydrating shampoo and conditioner. My hair is dyed four different colors every four weeks and it's still healthy! I love all of their products