What make-up to wear with Leopard print?


Active member

Just bought this gorgeous blouse with a rich coloured leopard print and is from a very shiny fabric.


Am looking for some good looks to compliment my new garment! (No I don't want to look like a leopard myself

Oh, will be wearing with long black dress pants and either a black pump or leopard print open toe heels. Am a brunette, got C3 skin and brown eyes..

Ideas anyone? :confused:


Well-known member
Either red lips (which is very cliche) or teal eyes. The oranginess of the print with make you eyes pop with out distracting to much from the outfit itself.


Well-known member
i'd do the red lips, too. they're "classic" not cliche!!!


and a simple eye - maybe a coloured liner and lots of mascara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rouquinne
i'd do the red lips, too. they're "classic" not cliche!!!


and a simple eye - maybe a coloured liner and lots of mascara.

I think it has crossed the point to where it is no longer classic to pair leopard print with red lips. When ever I think of the pair I think of Peggy Bundy from Married with Children or scene kids. Not that I won't look gorgeous I'm sure; but to really wow someone should you step into the modern time and try something a little more dazzling?


Active member
Teal comes only in a pigment isn't it? A green one?

I have not got that one, but do have humid and sprout..?

Hmmm green eyes and red lips,


Like the liner idea to...!! Could use humid or sprout as a liner with black mascara??

Keep the ideas coming please grin...

And thanks so much!


Well-known member
I didn't necessarily mean teal piggy, I meant the teal colour as an over all. So steamy, plumage, zonk bleu, shimmermoss... that sort of colour. I wouldn't do both red lips and teal/green/blue eyes... do one or the other. Don't forget you're wearing a large amount of bold print very close to your face.


Active member
Thanks a lot guys.. !!

Anybody else ideas?

I will post a photo from the end result. Want to wear it all this weekend..


Well-known member

For a leopard print, I always do a red lip and very simple eyes (i.e. black eyeliner - winged if you like)


Well-known member
What to wear with leopard print????? ...... ATTITUDE!!!!! lol!

I like the winged retro eyeliner, otherwise simple eye, and red lip idea.

For a twist along the same line, try a bright fuschia lipstick with the retro-lick liner.

For a RAWK AN ROLL punky sex goddess look, try messy hair, clear pouty lipgloss, and a really intense black black black smokey eye instead - wee bit Debbie Harry, perhaps?

HTH, Sho x


Well-known member
I was going to suggest neutral eye colors with a red lip. Like Ruby Woo with a bit of gloss over it since it is a matte. Christina Aguilera wears leopard print with red lips all the time for the classic/retro look.


Well-known member
If i'm not too late...

I would also go with the thick black winged-out liner over champagne coloured eyeshadow. then sparkle it up with liquid glitter liner in gold above the black liner and on your lower lash line =0)

I'd go with nude/flesh coloured lips or like fuschia pink!!


Well-known member
I love classic red lips and liner, but....I would change it up by doing a lighter smokey eye ie. moth brown, which is purplish grey with sexy nude pinky lips with lots of gloss
That's kinda Sophia Loren


Active member

Ginger9 and Missmaya, I loved your ideas, but have no gold glitter liner, and not the mothbrown or anything very similair..

Going to go with red lips and black liner.. will have to see for the red colour.. Got a nice ruby red piggie wich I could turn into a gloss...

Will post the photo later..

Thank you all so much for all the ideas!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tina78
Anyone good suggestion for a golden glitter eyeliner???

Lise Watier makes some great glitter liners, as does Urban Decay. IMO, the Lise Watier one is just as good as the UD one, but it's cheaper. Also, if you're willing to go metallic rather than glitter, the new Moonbathe collection has a really really beautiful gold liquidlast. Love the look, btw!


Well-known member
Red Lipstick with a touch of bronze gloss in the middle. An eye in either turquoise and bronze, or turquoise and gold would be gorgeous


Well-known member
i tend to wear all my prints with a very bare face but i concentrate on lots of lashes, bronzer and maybe a hint of smokey eye with glossy nude lips.