What other colors are must haves?


Well-known member
I'm really wanting to expand my e/s collection i really like neutrals and pale pinks because that's what i get the most use out of, right now i have pink venus, pink freeze, trax, honesty, antiqued, mythology, mulch and waternymph. what are some colors you consider staples that i should get? Thanks!

btw: i have brown eyes, brown hair, and fair skin


Well-known member
i suggest Sea Myth if you can still get it


Well-known member
Other than the ones already mentioned, I'd say get Summer Neutral e/s from the Sundressing collection if you can still find it.


Well-known member
I'll have to check those out, and i have a VERY slow moving counter ( they still have culturebloom on display) so ill make sure to check out summer neutral and sea myth!