What product did you think you would hate -- but wound up loving?


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So I went to my local MAC counter last night to turn in some B2M items, enough for 2 lippies. I decided (since I wasn't paying for it LOL) to try out Bare slimshine (read alot of good reviews). I had seen swatches, and it looked pretty but i thought i would look awful on me..........but -- IT's FABULOUS!! I'm in love
It's the perfect nude lipstick -- but more like a gloss because of the formula. I'm wearing it today and 3 of my office chicks complimented me on it -- and even 1 guy!

So who's had a similar experience, and with what product?

(Oh, and I got Funshine slimshine as my 2nd B2M item -- it's really pretty too!)


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Canary Yellow e/s and Goldenrod e/s (both MAC, both pro colors)

When I bought them I just thought "Oh, I'll never end up using these, they will just ben fun to have."

I use them ALL the time.


Well-known member
I have both of those colors blindpassion and never use them. What other kinds of colors do you use with them? It would be nice to put mine to use!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I have both of those colors blindpassion and never use them. What other kinds of colors do you use with them? It would be nice to put mine to use!

I just love them!

For going out on a summer evening, I'll do say...
Canary Yellow blending into
Goldenrod blending into
Passionate... with Vanilla pigment as a highlight,

or Canary yellow on the inner corners, next to bitter, juxt or swimming
and then gulf stream in the crease,

I do a lot of "sunset" or "tropical" kind of looks with those two colors

Im a big fan of canary yellow, its such a nice soft yellow color, it isnt harsh at all
Make sure to use a really good base under Canary Yellow to make sure it shows up, something like Luna CCB or UDPP, or bare study paintpot, etc. You really have to pack it on I find, for good color payoff.

Heres a pic of a recent look I did.
n554535470_3434201_7657.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting



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Paints in general-I've had so many bad experiences with that kind of stuff and also I use UDPP-but now I love them. Too bad they've gotten rid of all the good shades though...


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Sunpepper pigment. I never would have bought it if it wasn't in last year's Holiday set, but now it's my favourite!


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Gingerly blush and Stars N Rockets. I really didn't think I would like it on me but it was SO pretty!! I LOVE the way it looks, especially with Beauty Marked.


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i almost always use some shade of brown on my eyelids. but when the cool heat collection came out, the mua raved about my green eyes and that i just HAD to have solar white. i said 'and you think it would look good on the lids, not just as a highlight?', and he nodded nodded nodded.
i was doubtful, but brought it home to use as a highlight

but i did try it all over the lid, with satin taupe in the crease, and i LOVE it!

i also picked up a sculpt and shape at a CCO, and immediately had buyers remorse (before i used it). but now i find myself using it almost every day


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when I first bought ALL of the Cool Heat and Electroflash MES. I got them cause they were pretty new and shiny. I got them and looked at how many there were, but now I use them ALL the time. Especially the ones that I didnt think I would love. I've used Hot Contrast almost every day since I've had it, and it was the one that I thought I would never ever ever use along with Polar Opposites. <3 both!


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Lark About pigment - really thought I wasnt going to like it, but in the end its probably my favourite NN pigment!!


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the Kohl powers - I figured this would be uber-smudgey on me and was going to skip them based on reveiws when they first came out. I decided in a moment of weakness to pick up Jealous and Feline. Wish I had picked up a second Jealous now, since they haven't repromoted it. And there is nothing out there like Feline, just the perfect black liner.


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Sunpepper pigment, I thought it was a bit ugly when I got it in the Holiday pigment set last Christmas but surprisingly I love it. It looks really nice on and is great for darkening up a bronze/sunkissed eyeshadow look.


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I bought a couple to see what the hype was about. I ended up using them so much that I went out and bought 2 more shades. They're my favorite now.