What to do with unwanted MAC?


Well-known member
So recently I went through my MAC collection and found a few lip products that I bought on a whim and don't really care for how they look on me now. I am not sure what to do with them. I am way too lazy to sell them as I don't really know how selling on the internet works and I don't want to go through the hassle. But I might if it is deemed necessary.

I was literally thinking (and I know this seems extreme and unholy to MAC products), but of just cutting off of the lip stick and adding some of them to my Back-to-Mac collection.

And for those wondering, I cannot return them to MAC because it has been so long since I bought them. And I absolutely refuse to return Viva Glam stuff as the $$ goes to charity.

What do you guys generally do with your unwanted stuff??


New member
Ask some of your friends or family if they are interested in some MAC products. I wouldn't just waste $14.. You could always give them to me


Well-known member
Swap (Makeupalley.com) or sell it on specktra. I personally wouldn't give used m/u to friends & family, but maybe that's just because no one would want it


Well-known member
Haha, Ive had the exact same thought myself. I have a box under my bathroom sink where I place all my unwanted makeup. I refuse to give it away as I've spent my hard earned money on it. I don't believe in second hand cosmetics (huge germ-a-phobe). I either keep it hoping I will find a use for it (and once or twice I have). But If im desperate for a B2M I'll shuffle through the box, decide which I have used the least/like the least and B2M it.

It's your money, may as well put it towards a product you WILL use.


Well-known member
I would swap them on MakeUpAlley or just sell them. Who knows, you might not like them, but some people might kill for them!


Well-known member
Yep, and if you don't like the idea of using swap items, you can always swap them for B2M's. You'll get more than one B2M for each of your products, maybe even more than 6 if it's LE or brand new. So it's more worth it than just B2M-ing straight, and then the products don't go to waste.